Public health sciences research papers
195 publications available
Epithelial cell invasiveness of non-enteropathogenic serotypes of escherichia coli
Current evidence suggests that cntcropathogcnic Escherichia coli (EPEC) of traditional serotypes possess a three-stage pathogcnesis: localised adherence (LA) to, attachment-ef-facement (AE) of, and penetration of, cnterocytcs, all of which can be&... -
Association of plasmids with the carbohydrate composition of the o-antigen in shigella dysenteriae type 1
Six different prepared mutant strains of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 with various combinations of 'core plasmids of 140, 6, and 2 Mdal, were cultivated separately and their hpoporvsaccharide (LPS) samples were isolated, which on... -
Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of shigellosis in rural Bangladesh
Some epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 292 patients infected with Shigella spp in a sample of 2,635 diarrhoea patients are described. The sample consisted of every fifth of all patients who came for free treatment... -
Village health care providers in Matlab, Bangladesh: a study of their knowledge in the management of childhood diarrhoea
This study was conducted among village health care providers in Matlab, Bangladesh in . 1987. The objectives were to assess their knowledge of childhood diarrhoea and methods of management. All types of health care providers... -
Annotated bibliography of ICDDR,B studies in Matlab, Bangladesh/ D Habet
No abstract available -
Rice -based oral rehydration solution shown to be better than glucose-ORS as treatment of non-dysenteric diarrhoea in children in rural Bangladesh
Mothers living in rural Bangladesh were provided with either rice-based oral rehydration solution (rice-ORS) (Group A) or glucose-ORS (Group B) for treating non - dysenteric diarrhoea in their children aged under 5. Mothers living... -
Rapid detection of rotavirus in faces by a side latex agglutination test as compared with an enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay
A commercial latex agglutination slide test for rotavirus detection (RotascreenR) was compared with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in a hospital setting using 225 patients, 6-24 months of age, who came with clinical sy...
Publications in this collection
- Bhuiya, Abbas 11
- Albert, M. John 9
- Huq, M.I. 9
- Sack, David A. 9
- Mosley, Wiley Henry 8
- Baqui, A.H. 6
- Rahman, Mahfuzar 6
- Chakraborty, J. 5
- Khan, M Shamsul Islam 5
- Mitra, Amal K. 5
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- Bangladesh 68
- Cholera 40
- Diarrhoea 38
- Public health 19
- Vibrio cholerae 14
- Escherichia coli 10
- Shigella 10
- Diarrhea 9
- Pregnancy 9
- Public Health 9
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Date issued
- 2000 - 2010 109
- 1990 - 1999 39
- 1980 - 1989 32
- 1970 - 1979 4
- 1968 - 1969 11