Public health sciences research papers
195 publications available
Urinary retinol excretion in children with acute watery diarrhoea
Children with diarrhoea due to rotavirus infection excrete retinol in urine.This study aimed at demonstrating the extent and mechanism of urinary retinol excretion in children with acute watery diarrhoea caused by pathogens other ha... -
Desire for children and subsequent abortions in Matlab, Bangladesh
This study investigated the relationship between desire for children and subsequent abortions in the treatment and comparison areas of Matlab,where ICDDR,B:Centre for Health and Population Research has been maintaining a Demographic Surveilla... -
Characterisitcs of Children Hospitalized with Severe Dehydration and Persistent Diarrhoea in Bangladesh
The study analyzed data from a systematic sample of children, aged less than five years, who presented with persistent diarrhoea (diarrhoea of more than 14 days duration). It aims to differentiate (a) non-severe persistent diar... -
Implementation of a Medical Geographic Information System: Concepts and Uses
This paper introduces a medical geographic information system which has been implemented to enhance public-health research by facilitating the modelling of spatial processes of disease, environment, and healthcare systems in a rural area... -
Policy of Universal Salt Iodization in Bangladesh: Do Coastal People Benefit
Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) are a serious public-health problem in Bangladesh and in other countries. Use of iodized salt has been promoted to solve the problem. A study was conducted in eight unions of Chakaria upaz... -
Survival of Shigella dysenteriae Type 1 on Fomites
Studies have shown that various objects, such as utensils, toys,a nd clothes, can serve as vehicles for transmission of Shigella spp. Shigellae can become viable but non-culturable (VBNC)when exposed to various environmental conditions... -
Improved Indicators of Infant Mortality for Integrated Primary Healthcare Programmes
Mortality and fertility rates are decreasing rapidly in many developing countries. It is argued that the indices commonly used as measures of these changes, i.e. infant mortality rate and fertility rate, ignore the interaction ... -
Risk Factors and Gender Differentials for Death among Children Hospitalized with Diarrhoea in Bangladesh
To identify risk factors for death among children with diarrhoea, a cohort of 496 children, aged less than 5 years, admitted to the intensive care unit of a diarrhoeal disease hospital in Bangladesh, was studied during... -
Food as a Vehicle of Transmission of Cholera
Cholera has been recognized as a killer disease since earliest time. Since 1817, six pandemics have swept over the world, and the seventh one is in progress. The disease is caused by infection of the small intestine... -
Workshop on action research on social mobilization for sanitation
The Environmental Health Programme of International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh and Development of Public Health Engineering (DPHE) have been jointly conducting an applied research on social mobilization for sanitation ... -
Detection of non-culturable Shigella dysenteriae 1 from artificially contaminated volunteers' fingers using fluorescent antibody and PCR techniques.
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that hands may be an important vehicle for transmission of shigellosis. The present study was carried out to find out the survival potential of Shigella dysenteriae 1 on fingers of volu... -
Gastrointestinal allergy to food: a review
Gastrointestinal food allergy still poses a challenge to the clinician because of its variable symptomatology and lack of reliable diagnostic tests. Its prevalence is estimated at 2~5%, higher in children than in older age-groups.... -
Proceedings of a workshop GARNET activities in Bangladesh: water and sanitation issues in disaster management
A two-day workshop aimed at bringing together government and non-governmental organezations, universities, UN and donor agencies, active in water and sanitation (WS) issues in disaster mitigation programme was held on 22-23 April 1996... -
Teaching health social science: Bangladesh case study
No abstract available. -
Proshikkhon sohaika
No abstract available.
Publications in this collection
- Bhuiya, Abbas 11
- Albert, M. John 9
- Huq, M.I. 9
- Sack, David A. 9
- Mosley, Wiley Henry 8
- Baqui, A.H. 6
- Rahman, Mahfuzar 6
- Chakraborty, J. 5
- Khan, M Shamsul Islam 5
- Mitra, Amal K. 5
- next >
- Bangladesh 68
- Cholera 40
- Diarrhoea 38
- Public health 19
- Vibrio cholerae 14
- Escherichia coli 10
- Shigella 10
- Diarrhea 9
- Pregnancy 9
- Public Health 9
- next >
Date issued
- 2000 - 2010 109
- 1990 - 1999 39
- 1980 - 1989 32
- 1970 - 1979 4
- 1968 - 1969 11