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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-1990Acute diarrhoea in expatriates in Bangladesh[reply]van Loon, FPL
Jul-1995Alanine- and glucose-based hypo-osmolar oral rehydration solution in infants with persistent diarrhoea: a controlled trialSarker, S.A.; Majid, N.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
2000Bangladeshi rural mothers prepare safer rice oral rehydration solutionMolla, A.M.; Bari, A.; Greenough, W.B.; Molla, A.M.; Budhiraja, P.; Sharma, P.N.
Jul-1989Cereal based oral rehydration solutionsKenya, P.R.; Odongo, H.W.; Oundo, G.; Waswa, K.; Muttunga, J.; Molla, A.M.; Nath, S.K.; Molla, A.; Greenough, W.B.; Juma, R.; Were, B.N.
Jul-1984Cereal-based oral rehydration therapy: its community level applicationMolla, A. Majid
Dec-1991Chloride channel bloker (Anthracene-9-carboxyllic acid) and glucose polymer inhibit water and electrolyte secretion induced by DBcAMP inthe small intestine of rat[conference papers]Rabbani, G.H.; Lebenthal, Emanuel
1997Cholera toxin stimulates glucose absorption from rabbit intestineBhattacharya, M.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Mazumder, R.N.; Khan, M.A.; Hossain, M.; Fuchs, G.J.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1990A comparative study on the correct utilization and sustained use of rice packet ORS vs standard glucose packet ORS by urban community mothers in BangladeshSiddiqi, S. Mizan; Baqui, A.H.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1976Comparison of glucose and sucrose- electrolyte solutions for oral fluid therapy of severe diarrheaKoster, F.T.; Palmer, D.; Islam, R.; Rahman, M.M.; Sack, B.
1977Comparison of sucrose and glucose in the oral electrolyte therapy of cholera and other severe diarrheasPalmer, Darwin L.; Koster, F.T.; Islam, A.F.M Rafiqul; Rahman, A.S.M. Mizanur; Sack, R. Bradley
1991Development of an improved oral rehydration solutionMahalanabis, Dilip; Bhan, M.K.
May-1977Effects of choleragenoid and glucose on the response of dog intestine to escherichia coli enterotoxinsNalin, David R.; Mclaughlin, J.C.
1992Effects of food with two oral rehydration therapies: a randomised controlled clinical trialAlam, N.H.; Ahmed, T.; Khatun, M.; Molla, A.M.
23-Mar-1988Evaluation of the effect of alanine plus glucose and glutamine plus glucose on salt and water absorption in the jejunum in acute cholera in adultsvan Loon, F.P.L.; Patra, F.C.; Wahed, W.A.
26-Dec-1984Field comparison between Glucose-ORS and Maize-ORSKenya, Patrick R.; Okombo, W.I.; Were, B.; Bari, Abdul; Molla, A. Majid; Nath, S.K.; Greenough III, W.B.
Jan-1981Glucose vs sucrose in oral rehydration solutions for infants and young children with rotavirus-associated diarrheaBlack, Robert E.; Merson, Michael H.; Taylor, Philip R.; Yolken, Robert H.; Sack, David A.
Feb-1997Glutamine is superior to glucose in stimulating water and electrolyte absorption across rabbit ileumIslam, S.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Chowdhury, A.K.A.; Wahed, M.A.; Rahman, A.S.M.H.
15-Jan-1991Impact of ready-to-use packaged rice ORS on morbidity and nutrition of infants and young children, and response of mothers when provided as an antidiarrhoeal medicine in rural BangladeshFaruque, A.S.G.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Das, Dilip Kumar; Hoque, Samiul; Rahman, Mujibur
Oct-1996Intestinal transport of water, sodium and glucose from an electrolyte solution with and without bicarbonateIslam, Sufia; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Chowdhury, Abul Kalam Azad; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam; Wahed, Abdul; Rahman, Abu Syed Mohammed Hamidur
1980Labon-gur (common salt and brown sugar) oral rehydration solution in the diarrhoea of adults [abstract]Islam, Rafiqul