Knowledge Repository
Glucose vs sucrose in oral rehydration solutions for infants and young children with rotavirus-associated diarrhea


Black, Robert E.
Merson, Michael H.
Taylor, Philip R.
Yolken, Robert H.
Sack, David A.
The use of oral rehydration solutions containing essential electrolytes and either glucose or sucrose of equal osmolality was compared in a double-blind sequential trial of 784 children with rotavirus-associated diarrhea treated at a center in rural Bangladesh. The oral fluid failure rate was 11.5% for the sucrose-containing solution group and 7.3% for the glucose-containing group (P = NS). Vomiting was a significantly more common cause of failure for the group treated with sucrose-containing oral rehydration solution and was associated with an increased rate of intake of the sweeter sucrose-containing solution. The purging rate was not different for the two groups. The oral fluid failure rates for children in the most underweight category (less than 60% of expected weight for age) were not different from those for other groups, although, as assessed by purging rate and initial dehydration, the stool losses of members of this group constituted a greater proportion of their body weight. Glucose is the preferred carbohydrate for oral electrolyte solutions, although sucrose can be substituted with only minimum loss of efficacy
Pediatrics 1981 Jan;67(1):79-83