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Bangladeshi rural mothers prepare safer rice oral rehydration solution
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Molla, A.M.
Bari, A.
Greenough, W.B.
Molla, A.M.
Budhiraja, P.
Sharma, P.N.
Mothers in rural Bangladesh were trained to prepare and use either Rice-ORS (R-ORS) or Glucose-ORS (G-ORS) solutions to treat children with diarrhoea. Families were provided with either G-ORS or R-ORS of the same electrolyte composition through a depot holder. Subsequently, random samples of solutions actually used for treatment by the mothers were collected from homes by field workers. A total of 227 R-ORS and 239 G-ORS samples were analysed. The sodium concentration in about 90% of the samples had a safe range (50-120 mmol/l). Only 4% of R-ORS solutions were above 120 mmol/l in sodium concentration, while 12% of G-ORS solutions exceeded these limits (p < 0.0025). R-ORS (after acid hydrolysis) provided significantly higher glucose (257 +/- 42 mmol/l) for active but safe absorption compared to G-ORS (115 +/- 39 mmol/l). To make R-ORS liquid enough to drink requires addition of sufficient water, preventing the risk of higher sodium concentration. Unlike rice starch, glucose is a highly soluble substance. It is thus possible to prepare a drinkable solution containing dangerously high concentrations of both sodium and glucose, but this can be minimized by more intensive training of the mothers
Acta Paediatr 2000 Jul ; 89(7) : 791-4