A. Original papers
6244 publications available
Optimal growth temperature for the isolation of Plesiomonas shigelloides,using various selective and differential agars.
The growth characteristics of known strains of Plesiomonas shigelloides were compared with those of Aeromonas species (the major competing species in environmental waters) on plesiomonas d... -
Self care in health
The study "self care" was conducted in two Unions of one Upazila to assess prevalence, component and outcome of popular "self care" and their decision making process. Head of the family (500) and wives of... -
Cholera in Africa: lessons on transmission and control for Latin America
n January, 1991, epidemic cholera emerged in Peru and spread to 7 other countries of Latin America. Cholera was introduced 20 years ago to Africa, where it spread rapidly to 30 of the 46 countries of the region... -
Excess female deaths among rural Bangladeshi children: an examination of cause-specific mortality and morbidity
Excess female over male mortality during childhood, well known in the northern Indian subcontinent, is particularly marked in rural Bangladesh. While the determinants of this phenomenon and the respective roles of cultural and econo... -
Intestinal obstruction during shigellosis: incidence, clinical features, risk factors, and outcome
To determine the incidence and outcome of intestinal obstruction during shigellosis, the authors assessed 1211 consecutive patients with shigellosis admitted during a 15-month period to a diarrhea treatment center in Dhaka, Bangladesh. O... -
Outbreak of keratoconjunctivitis due to Salmonella weltevreden in a guinea pig colony
The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that the ability to produce keratoconjunctivitis (KC) is a property found in Salmonella weltevreden. This observation is contrary to ... -
Effect of duration of diarrhoea and predictive values of stool leucocytes and red blood cells in the isolation of different serogroups or serotypes of Shigella
Diarrhoeal stools from 11,358 patients were microscopically examined for the presence of white and red blood cells (WBC and RBC) and cultured for enteric pathogens. Of the 3895 patients who had Shigella as sole pathogens, ... -
Culture adaptation and characterization of group A rotaviruses causing diarrheal illnesses in Bangladesh from 1985 to 1986
Group A rotaviruses collected between 1985 and 1986 during comprehensive surveillance of treated diarrheal episodes occurring in a rural Bangladesh population were culture adapted and characterized by electropherotype, serotype, and subgroup. ... -
Large epidemic of cholera-like disease in Bangladesh caused by Vibrio cholerae O139 synonym Bengal. Cholera Working Group, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
Epidemics of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 occur regularly in Bangladesh, but until lately V cholerae non-O1 has been associated only with sporadic cases of diarrhoeal... -
Antibody responses after immunization with killed oral cholera vaccines during the 1985 vaccine field trial in Bangladesh
Sera collected during the 1985 oral cholera vaccine trial in Matlab, Bangladesh, which demonstrated efficacy of a whole cell combined with cholera B subunit vaccine (WC/BS) and a whole cell only vaccine (WC), were analyzed... -
Breast feeding and vitamin A deficiency among children attending a diarrhoea treatment centre in Bangladesh: a case-control study
OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of breast feeding on the risk of xerophthalmia in children aged 6 months to 3 years attending a diarrhoea treatment centre in Bangladesh. ... -
Simultaneous infection with multiple serotypes of Shigellae in a patient
We isolated three different serotypes of Shigella on admission from a patient with dysentery as well as a Shigella-like organism and Campylobacter jejuni upon follow-up. The pat... -
Contraceptive use and breast-feeding duration in rural Bangladesh
The association between contraceptive use and breast-feeding duration was investigated in 2380 women in rural Bangladesh where women usually stop breast-feeding once pregnant. Life table analysis showed that women receiving regular injections... -
Evaluation of indigenous plants in the treatment of acute shigellosis
The clinical efficacy of three indigenous plants was compared with that of ampicillin and placebo in a randomized double blind clinical trial. Eighty-two men with shigellosis were studied. Sixteen patients received dried unripe frui... -
Rotavirus-associated diarrhea in rural Bangladesh: two-year study of incidence and serotype distribution
Stools were evaluated from 5,811 patient visits for treatment of diarrhea in Matlab, Bangladesh, between June 1987 and May 1989. The stools were analyzed to determine the distrib... -
Study on the pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni by modifying the medium
Campylobacter jejuni has been documented as one of the major aetiological agents of diarrhoeal illness all over the world. Studies revealed its pathogenicity by different assay methods, but none could be strongly recommended as ... -
Relative effects of diarrhea, fever, and dietary energy intake on weight gain in rural Bangladeshi children
Quantitative studies of morbidity, food intake, and somatic growth were done prospectively during 14 mo for 70 children aged 5-18 mo in two Bangladeshi villages. When random-effect...
Publications in this collection
- Albert, M. John 120
- Mahalanabis, Dilip 84
- Sack, David A. 82
- Chakraborty, J. 71
- Faruque, A.S.G. 54
- Faruque, Shah M. 43
- Qadri, Firdausi 42
- Black, Robert E. 40
- Clemens, John D. 40
- Khan, M.R. 39
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- Bangladesh 1022
- Cholera 264
- Vibrio cholerae 186
- Diarrhea, Infantile 163
- Diarrhea 109
- Dysentery, Bacillary 108
- Humans 72
- Child, Preschool 71
- Shigella dysenteriae 64
- Diarrheal diseases 61
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Date issued
- 2010 - 2014 2
- 2000 - 2009 305
- 1990 - 1999 751
- 1980 - 1989 544
- 1970 - 1979 143
- 1961 - 1969 60