A. Original papers
6244 publications available
Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of provisional serotype Shigella flexneri 1c and clonal relationships with 1a and 1b strains isolated in Bangladesh
Abstract The serotypes of 144 strains of Shigella flexneri serotype 1 (serotypes 1a, 1b, and 1c) isolated from patients attending the Dhaka treatment center of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, B... -
Temporal shifts in the dominance of serotypes of Shigella dysenteriae from 1999 to 2002 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract A total of 358 Shigella dysenteriae strains isolated from patients attending the Dhaka treatment center of the International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, between the years 1999 and 2002 were... -
Comparison of antibiotic resistance and serotype composition of carriage and invasive pneumococci among Bangladeshi children: implications for treatment policy and vaccine formulation
Abstract The nasopharyngeal carriage of Streptococcus pneumoniae is thought to pose a risk for invasive pneumococcal diseases, and the evaluation of carriage strains is thus often used to inform antibiotic treatment and ... -
Speciation of arsenic metabolite intermediates in human urine by ion-exchange chromatography and flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry
Abstract Biomethylation is considered as the principal metabolic and detoxification pathway for inorganic arsenic in human. The end products of methylation are less toxic and more readily excreted through urine. Therefore, s... -
Therapy of travelers' diarrhea with rifaximin on various continents
Abstract OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to compare the efficacy and safety of rifaximin, a virtually nonabsorbed antibiotic, 600 and 1200 mg per day, with placebo in patients with travelers' diarrhea. METHODS: ... -
Non-cancer effects of chronic arsenicosis in Bangladesh: preliminary results
Abstract A total of 136 patients were studied in three Upazillas of Laxmipur, Barisal and Madaripur districts were selected for health awareness campaign program. According to the existing data, these villages were rank... -
How many child deaths can we prevent this year
This is the second of five papers in the child survival series. The first focused on continuing high rates of child mortality (over 10 million each year) from preventable causes: diarrhoea, pneumonia, measles, malaria, HIV/... -
Knowledge into action for child survival
The child survival revolution of the 1980s contributed to steady decreases in child mortality in some populations, but much remains to be done. More than 10 million children will die this year, almost all of whom are&... -
Pathogenicity islands and phages in Vibrio cholerae evolution
The identification of accessory genetic elements (plasmids, phages and chromosomal 'pathogenicity islands') encoding virulence-associated genes has facilitated our efforts to understand the origination of pathogenic microorganisms. Toxigenic Vibrio ... -
Antioxidants in detoxification of arsenic-induced oxidative injury in rabbits: preliminary results
Abstract To assess the oxidative injuries caused by arsenic toxicity in rabbits and evaluate the detoxifying effects of exogenous antioxidants, we administered arsenic trioxide (3-5 mg/kg/day) in rabbits through a feedi... -
The need for maternal zinc supplementation in developing countries: an unresolved issue
Maternal zinc deficiency during pregnancy has been related to adverse pregnancy outcomes. Most studies in which pregnant women have been supplemented with zinc to examine effects on pregnancy outcome have been carried out in in... -
The role of public health programmes in reducing socioeconomic inequities in childhood immunization coverage
Abstract OBJECTIVES: This paper asks whether intensive outreach services can eliminate socioeconomic differentials in vaccine coverage. METHODS: In 1990, the Matlab Maternal and Child Health/Family Planning Project... -
Comparison of PCR method with the culture method for identification of gonococci from endocervical swabs
Gonococcal infection remains still a major cause of morbidity among sexually active individuals. Diagnosis of the infection in a female case is more difficult than that in a male. This was a prospective study among 269... -
Measles vaccine effectiveness and risk factors for measles in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To evaluate vaccine effectiveness and to assess risk factors for measles in Dhaka, Bangladesh. METHOD: A case-control study, involving 198 cases with 783 age-matched neighbourhood controls ... -
Effect of zinc supplementation started during diarrhoea on morbidity and mortality in Bangladeshi children: community randomised trial
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Vitamin A supplementation of women postpartum and of their infants at immunization alters breast milk retinol and infant vitamin A status
Abstract Vitamin A supplementation of lactating mothers and of infants at the time of diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DPT) and oral polio vaccine (OPV) immunizations have both been suggested as measures to prevent deficiency a...
Publications in this collection
- Albert, M. John 120
- Mahalanabis, Dilip 84
- Sack, David A. 82
- Chakraborty, J. 71
- Faruque, A.S.G. 54
- Faruque, Shah M. 43
- Qadri, Firdausi 42
- Black, Robert E. 40
- Clemens, John D. 40
- Khan, M.R. 39
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- Bangladesh 1022
- Cholera 264
- Vibrio cholerae 186
- Diarrhea, Infantile 163
- Diarrhea 109
- Dysentery, Bacillary 108
- Humans 72
- Child, Preschool 71
- Shigella dysenteriae 64
- Diarrheal diseases 61
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Date issued
- 2010 - 2014 2
- 2000 - 2009 305
- 1990 - 1999 751
- 1980 - 1989 544
- 1970 - 1979 143
- 1961 - 1969 60