A. Original papers
6244 publications available
Seasonality of fertility in Matlab, Bangladesh
From matched birth and census records in the Matlab area of Bangladesh, monthly fertility rates for the period 1970-74 are studied for seasonal patterns by age and parity. Trigonometric regression techniques are used to summari... -
Relationships between pregnancy spacing, sex of infants, maternal age, and birth order, and neonatal and post-neonatal mortality in Bangladesh
The relationships between length of the interpregnancy interval, outcome of the pregnancy preceding the interval, sex of theinfants, pregnancy order, maternal age, and maternal history of previous child deaths and neonatal and postnconat... -
Synergistic impact of measles and diarrhoea on nutrition and mortality in Bangladesh
The association between measles and diarrhea and their effects on weight and mortality were assessed in a prospective household survey in southeast Bangladesh from August 1975 to July 1976. A total 5775 children in 12 vill... -
The relationship of cholera to water source and use in rural Bangladesh
The cholera experience of a sample of families in a rural area of Bangladesh is reported in relation to water supply and use. Tanks were the primary source for 65% of families, canals for 20% and the river f... -
A simple assay to detect Escherichia coli producing heat labile enterotoxin: results of a field study of the Biken tests in Bangladesh[manuscript]
In the Biken test a precipitin line forms in the agar between an Escherichia coli colony producing heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and anti-cholera-toxin or anti-LT sera placed in an adjacent well. E. Coli isolates form 273 u... -
A population laboratory for studying disease processes and mortality--the Demographic Surveillance System, Matlab Comilla, Bangladesh
Describes the Demograhic Surveillance System (DSS) of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B), initiated in 1963. The DSS consists of periodic censuses of the study population with intervening registrati... -
Diarrhoeal disease in Bangladesh: epidemiology, mortality averted and costs at a rural treatment centre
The basic epidemiology of acute diarrhoeal disease seen at a rural Bangladesh hospital in 1975 is reviewed. V. cholerae 01 was isolated from 28% of 1 964 patients. Significant differences in hospitalisation rates were observed&... -
Isolation of Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni from Bangladeshi children
To determine the prevalence of infection with Campylobacter fetus subsp. jejuni in Bangladesh, culture surveys were conducted among three populations. In Dacca, Campylobacter was isolated from 5.2% of 97 individuals with clinical dysente... -
Detection of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli by DNA colony hybridization
A method fo detecting large numbers of isolates of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli is described in which the genes encoding th enterotoxins are detected, rather than the toxins themselves. Radiolabeled fragments of DNA encoding the... -
Breast-feeding and food intake among children with acute diarrheal disease
To quantitate reduced food intake during diarrhea and to assess possible means of promoting such intake, the 24-hr food and breast milk intakes of 41 children 6 to 35 months divided into three groups were measured. Th... -
Infant feeding practices in rural Meheran, Comilla, Bangladesh
Since 1930 breast-feeding has declined worldwide. Differences exist in breast-feeding practices between developed and developing countries and between urban and rural people. In order to define the breast-feeding practices in Bangladesh, we&#... -
A two-year study of bacterial, viral, and parasitic agents associated with diarrhea in rural Bangladesh
Enteric pathogens associated with diarrhea were studied for two years at a diarrhea treatment center in rural Bangladesh. Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) was the most frequently identified pathogen for patients of all ages. ...
Publications in this collection
- Albert, M. John 120
- Mahalanabis, Dilip 84
- Sack, David A. 82
- Chakraborty, J. 71
- Faruque, A.S.G. 54
- Faruque, Shah M. 43
- Qadri, Firdausi 42
- Black, Robert E. 40
- Clemens, John D. 40
- Khan, M.R. 39
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- Bangladesh 1022
- Cholera 264
- Vibrio cholerae 186
- Diarrhea, Infantile 163
- Diarrhea 109
- Dysentery, Bacillary 108
- Humans 72
- Child, Preschool 71
- Shigella dysenteriae 64
- Diarrheal diseases 61
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Date issued
- 2010 - 2014 2
- 2000 - 2009 305
- 1990 - 1999 751
- 1980 - 1989 544
- 1970 - 1979 143
- 1961 - 1969 60