A. Original papers
6244 publications available
Identifying environmental risk factors for endemic cholera: a raster GIS approach
Abstract The bacteria that cause cholera are known to be normal inhabitants of surface water, however, the environmental risk factors for different biotypes of cholera are not well understood. This study identifies envi... -
Multicenter, randomized, double blind clinical trial of short course versus standard course oral ciprofloxacin for Shigella dysenteriae type 1 dysentery in children
Abstract BACKGROUND: Shigella dysenteriae type 1 (Sd1) dysentery is associated with serious morbidity and mortality. Treatment is either costly or complicated by the emergence of bacterial resistance. This study compared th... -
Beneficial effects of a woman-focused development programme on child survival: evidence from rural Bangladesh
Abstract This paper reports results from a prospective study of the impact of a woman-focused development programme on child survival in Matlab, a rural area of Bangladesh. The programme was targeted to households ... -
Prevalence of the pandemic genotype of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and significance of its distribution across different serotypes.
Abstract Sixty-six strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus belonging to 14 serotypes were isolated from hospitalized patients in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from January 1998 to December 2000. Among these, 48 strains belonging to four ser... -
Entamoeba histolytica: sequence conservation of the Gal/GalNAc lectin from clinical isolates
Abstract The Gal/GalNAc lectin gene of Entamoeba histolytica is a major amebic virulence protein responsible for interaction with host tissues. We investigated sequence differences in the Gal/GalNAc lectin heavy subunit ... -
Role of active efflux in association with target gene mutations in fluoroquinolone resistance in clinical isolates of Vibrio cholerae
Abstract Quinolones are among the drugs of choice in the management of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae. In this study, we demonstrate that, in addition to mutations detected in the target genes gyrA and parC... -
Isolation of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and S. flexneri strains from surface waters in Bangladesh: comparative molecular analysis of environmental Shigella isolates versus clinical strains
Abstract Bacillary dysentery caused by Shigella species is a public health problem in developing countries including Bangladesh. Although, shigellae-contaminated food and drinks are often the source of the epidemic's spread, ... -
RS1 element of Vibrio cholerae can propagate horizontally as a filamentous phage exploiting the morphogenesis genes of CTXphi
Abstract In toxigenic Vibrio cholerae, cholera toxin is encoded by the CTX prophage, which consists of a core region carrying ctxAB genes and genes required for CTXPhi morphogenesis, and an RS2 region encoding regu... -
Virulence genes in Helicobacter pylori strains from West Bengal residents with overt H. pylori-associated disease and healthy volunteers
Abstract We compared putative molecular markers of virulence (vacA, cagA, and iceA) of Helicobacter pylori strains isolated from 52 adult duodenal ulcer patients from West Bengal, India, with those of H. pylori strains&... -
The future of family planning programs
Abstract National family planning programs have been an important instrument in accelerating global fertility decline and in restricting ultimate world population to a level probably below ten billion. They began to come... -
Isolation of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 and S. flexneri strains from surface waters in Bangladesh: comparative molecular analysis of environmental Shigella isolates versus clinical strains
Abstract Bacillary dysentery caused by Shigella species is a public health problem in developing countries including Bangladesh. Although, shigellae-contaminated food and drinks are often the source of the epidemic's spread, ... -
Zinc supplementation during pregnancy and effects on mental development and behaviour of infants: a follow-up study
Abstract BACKGROUND: Zinc deficiency is widely prevalent in developing countries. Zinc supplements given to Bangladeshi pregnant women have been shown to reduce infants' infectious disease morbidity. We assessed these infant... -
Innate and acquired resistance to amebiasis in bangladeshi children
Abstract Entamoeba histolytica infection and colitis occurred in 55% and 4%, respectively, of a cohort of Bangladeshi preschool children observed for 2 years. DNA typing demonstrated that infecting E. histolytica isolates we... -
Reproductive tract infections: prevalence and risk factors in rural Bangladesh
Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for reproductive tract infections among men and women in a rural community in Bangladesh. METHODS: In the Matlab area a systematic&...
Publications in this collection
- Albert, M. John 120
- Mahalanabis, Dilip 84
- Sack, David A. 82
- Chakraborty, J. 71
- Faruque, A.S.G. 54
- Faruque, Shah M. 43
- Qadri, Firdausi 42
- Black, Robert E. 40
- Clemens, John D. 40
- Khan, M.R. 39
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- Bangladesh 1022
- Cholera 264
- Vibrio cholerae 186
- Diarrhea, Infantile 163
- Diarrhea 109
- Dysentery, Bacillary 108
- Humans 72
- Child, Preschool 71
- Shigella dysenteriae 64
- Diarrheal diseases 61
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Date issued
- 2010 - 2014 2
- 2000 - 2009 305
- 1990 - 1999 751
- 1980 - 1989 544
- 1970 - 1979 143
- 1961 - 1969 60