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Epidemiologic pattern of diarrhoea caused by non-agglutinating vibrios (NAG) and EF-6 organisms in Dacca
Non-agglutinating vibrios (NAG) and a new organism (EF-6) caused a severe diarrhoea epidemic in Dacca in 1976 and 1977. The common NAGs detected were groups II, V and VII which were present all the year round with peaks in the spring and postmonsoon seasons, while EF-6 attained its peak in March. NAG and EF-6 diarrhoeas occurred all over the city. The NAGs and EF-6 infected males twice as often as females and EF-6 more often affected the age group 0-4. The secondary attack rates in contacts of NAGs ranged from 10% to 25%; there were none in the EF-6 affected families. Open sources of water were often contaminated with NAGs and occasionally with EF-6. About half of the isolates from contacts and water sources were of groups other than the index case. Water was thought to be the vehicle of transmission
Trop Geogr Med 1982 Mar;34(1):19-27