Epidemiologic pattern of diarrhoea caused by non-agglutinating vibrios (NAG) and EF-6 organisms in Dacca

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dc.contributor.authorKhan, Moslem Uddin-
dc.contributor.authorShahidullah, M.-
dc.identifier.citationTrop Geogr Med 1982 Mar;34(1):19-27en
dc.description.abstractNon-agglutinating vibrios (NAG) and a new organism (EF-6) caused a severe diarrhoea epidemic in Dacca in 1976 and 1977. The common NAGs detected were groups II, V and VII which were present all the year round with peaks in the spring and postmonsoon seasons, while EF-6 attained its peak in March. NAG and EF-6 diarrhoeas occurred all over the city. The NAGs and EF-6 infected males twice as often as females and EF-6 more often affected the age group 0-4. The secondary attack rates in contacts of NAGs ranged from 10% to 25%; there were none in the EF-6 affected families. Open sources of water were often contaminated with NAGs and occasionally with EF-6. About half of the isolates from contacts and water sources were of groups other than the index case. Water was thought to be the vehicle of transmissionen
dc.format.extent853360 bytes-
dc.titleEpidemiologic pattern of diarrhoea caused by non-agglutinating vibrios (NAG) and EF-6 organisms in Daccaen
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