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Showing results 6001 to 6020 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1981Vaccine development[book chapter]Greenough III, W.B.
2001Vaccines as tools for advancing more than public health: perspectives of a former director of the National Vaccine Program officeBreiman, Robert F.
2003Validating Immune Function as an Indicator of Subclinical Vitamin A Deficiency in Bangladeshi Men with Marginal and High Stores Measured by Stable Isotope DilutionAhmad, Shaikh Meshbahuddin
2007Validation of an improved diagnostic and treatment strategy for Visceral Leishmaniasis and Post Kala-azar Dermal leishmaniasisMondal, Dinesh
Mar-1986Validation of arm circumference as an indicator of risk of death in one to four year old childrenBriend, Andre; Zimicki, Suzan
2003Validation of diagnostic tests of some category B enteric pathogens and correlation of some protozoal genotype with virulenceHaque, Rashidul
1987A validation of retrospective survey data used in the indirect estimation of fertility and mortalityMahmud, Simeen; Becker, Stan
2001Validation of salmonellosis and shigellosis diagnostic test kits at a provincial hospital in ThailandSonjai, Kanjana; Soisangwan, Roongrasamee; Sakolvaree, Yuwaporn; Kurazono, Hisao; Chongsa-nguan, Manas; Tapchaisri, Pramuan; Mahakunkijcharoen, Yuvadee; Nair, G. Balakrish; Hayashi, Hideo; Chaicumpa, Wanpen
2003Validation of the ALS assay for diagnosis of active tuberculosis and setting up of the tuberculosis specimen BankRaqib, Rubhana
9-Sep-2007Validation of visual estimation of portion size consumed as a method for estimating food intake by young Indian childrenDhingra, Pratibha; Sazawal, Sunil; Menon, Venugopal P.; Dhingra, Usha; Black, Robert E.
2-Jun-1987Validation study for the causes of child deaths module for the SMP/ORT baseline survey : collaboration with the urban volunteers project of ICDDR,B-
Apr-1982Validation study of pregnancy histories and indirest techniques of fertility estimation in Matlab, Bangladesh: voll. 1 methods and study of possible contaminationBecker, Stan; Mahmud, Simeen; Sarder, A.M.
May-1992Validity and realiability of some anthropometric indices to identify determinants of mortality[conference paper]Bairagi, Radheshyam; Chowdhury, Mridul K.
2003Validity and reproductibility of basal metabolic rate (BMR) measurements in rural poor Bangladeshi women: comparison of measurements obtained by MedGem and by deltatrac deviceAlam, Dewan S.
2003Validity Assessment of Flowcharts for Syndromic Management of Vaginal DischargeRahman, Saifur; Bogaerts, Josef; Rahman, Motiur; Razzak, Rezina; Nessa, Khairun; Reza, Masud
Mar-2000Validity of IVACG simplified dietary assessment ((SDA) in identifying phegant and lactating women at risk for Vitamin A deficiency in rural Bangladesh[abstract]Alam, D.S.; van Raaij, J.M.A.; Hautvast, J.G.A.J.; Yunus, M.; Wahed, M.A.
2003Vality assessment of flowcharts for syndromic management of vaginal dischargeRahman, Saifur; Bogaerts, Josef; Rahman, Motiur; Razzak, Rezina; Nessa, Khairun; Reza, Masud
Mar-1994Value of microscopy in the diagnosis of dysentery associated with invasive Entamoeba histolyticaGonzález-Ruiz, A.; Haque, R.; Aguirre, A.; Castañón, G.; Hall, A.; Guhl, F.; Ruiz-Palacios, G.; Miles, M.A.; Warhurst, D.C.
25-Jun-1983Value of stool examination in patients with diarrhoeaStoll, Barbara J.; Glass, Roger I.; Banu, Hasina; Huq, M. Imdadul; Khan, M.U.; Ahmed, Mafizuddin
1991Variability of total energy and protein intake in rural Bangladesh: implications for epidemiological studies of diet in developing countriesTorres, Alberto; Willett, Walter; Orav, John; Chen, Lincoln; Huq, Emdadul