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Showing results 1178 to 1197 of 6187 < previous   next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1994Data collection system and datasets available in Matlab [book chapter]Fauveau, Vincent
2002Daycare-based management of severe pneumonia in under 5 children when hospitalization is not possible due to the lack of bedsAshraf, Hasan
5-Sep-2007Deadly wells: taking action to protectRahman, Mahfuzar
2003Death from drowning: defining a new challenge for child survival in BangladeshHyder, Adnan A.; Arifeen, Shams; Begum, Nazma; Fishman, Steven; Wali, Salman; Baqui, Abdullah H.
Dec-1996Death in a diarrhoeal cohort of infants and young children soon after discharge from hospital: risk factors and causes by verbal autopsyIslam, M. Aminul; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Rahman, A.K.S. Mahmudur
Mar-1990Death in shigellosis: incidence and risk factors in hospitalized patientsBennish, Michael L.; Harris, Jeffrey R.; Wojtyniak, Bogdan J.; Struelens, Marc
2000Deaths attributable to childbearing in Matlab, Bangladesh: indirect causes of maternal mortality questionedKhlat, Myriam; Ronsmans, Carine
1989Deaths from injuries and induced abortion among rural Bangladeshi womenFauveau, V.; Blanchet, T.
Sep-2001Decline in epidemic of multidrug resistant salmonella typhi in Bangladesh[abstract]Rahman, M.; Ahmed, A.; Shoma, S.
2002Decline in epidemic of multidrug resistant Salmonella typhi is not associated with increased incidence of antibiotic-susceptible strain in BangladeshRahman, M.; Ahmad, A.; Shoma, S.
Dec-1997Decline in maternal mortality in Matlab, Bangladesh: a cautionary taleRonsmans, Carine; Vanneste, Anne Marie; Chakraborty, Jyostsnamoy; van Ginneken, Jetorn
Nov-1986A decomposition of unmet need for family planning in rural Bangaldesh[abstract]Khan, Md. Mehrab Ali; Smith, Caroline; Koeing, Michael
Jul-1968Decrease in net stool output in cholera during intestinal containing solutionsHirschhorn, Norbert; Kinzie, Joseph L.; Sachar, David B.; Northrup, Robert S.; Taylor, J.O.; Ahmad, S. Zafar; Philips, Robert A.
1975Decrease of enterotoxin-induced jejunal fluid accumlation by acids in dogsNalin, D.R.; Richardson, S.H.; Islam, N.; Yardley, J.
1974Decrease of enterotoxin-induced jejunal fluid accumlation by acids in dogsNalin, David R.; Richardson, S.H.; Islam, N.; Yardley, J.
1992Decreased food intake in children with severe dysentery due to Shigella dysenteriae 1 infectionRahman, M.M.; Kabir, I.; Mahalanabis, D.; Malek, M.A.
Jun-1988Decreased gastric acid secretion and bacterial colonization of the stomach in severely malnourished Bangladeshi childrenGilman, Robert H.; Partanen, Raija; Brown, Kenneth H.; Spira, William M.; Khanam, Sultana; Greenberg, Barbara; Bloom, Stephen R.; Ali, Akbar
2003Defining incidence of IS in Bangladesh in preparation for a phase III trial of a new rotavirus vaccineBreiman, R.F.; Zaman, K.
1970Defining the cholera carrier(letter)Bart, Kenneth J.; Mosley, Wiley Henry
Sep-2001Defining the special risk for severe diarrheal cases in Dhaka city using a geographical informatin system [abstract]Wagatusmal, Y.; Haq, Z.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Malek, M.A.