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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Abhoynagar and Mirsarai Health and Demographic Surveillance report 2004-2005 / editors, Peter Kim Streatfield, Carel van Mels, M. Shamsul Islam Khan, M.A.International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh
Dec-2006Abhoynagar and Mirsarai Health and Demographic surveillance Report 2004-2005 HealthStreatfield, Peter Kim; Mels, Carel van; Khan, M. Shamsul Islam; Rahim, M.A.
Apr-1996Abnormalities of gastric acid secretion in infectious entric diseases[abstract]Rabbani, G.H.; Gilman, R.H.; Evans, C.
Apr-1989ABO blood groups and cholera: new observations on specificity of risk and modification of vaccine efficacyClemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Harris, Jeffrey R.; Chakraborty, J.; Khan, M.R.; Huda, S.; Ahmed, Faruque; Gomes, Joe; Rao, M.R.; Svennerholm, AM,; Svennerholm, Ann-Mari; Holmgren, Jan
1991ABO blood groups and the risk of diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia colivan Loon, Frederik P.L.; Clemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Rao, M.R.; Ahmed, Faruque; Chowdhury, Shahriar; Harris, Jeffrey R.; Ali, Md; Chakraborty, J.; Khan, M.R.; Neogy, P.K.; Svennerholm, A.M.; Holmgren, J.
4-Aug-1997Abortion dynamics in rural Bangladesh: does an MCH-FP program bring about any changeBairagi, Radheshyam; Ahmed, Kapil; Islam, M. Mazharul; Aziz, Ayesha
1997Abortion dynamics in rural Bangladesh: does an MCH-FP program bring about any changeBairagi, Radheshyam
1997Abortion in rural Bangaldesh: evidence from the MCH-FP extension project[book chapter]Ahmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1996Abortion in rural Bangladesh : evidence from the MCH-FP extension projectAhmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
Dec-1986Aboundance of various pathogenic microorganisms in a pond in the vicinity of a national children's hospital at Dhaka, BangladeshChowdhury, M.A.R.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Hoq, M.S.; Khan, W.A.; Akbar, M.S.; Morshd, M.G.; Ratnam, W.
Feb-1980Absorption and loss of nutrients in diarrhoeal disease of children. [abstract]Molla, Ayesha; Molla, A.M.; Sarkar, S.A.; Mozaffar, Z.; Rahaman, M.M.
1-Jan-1978Absorption of foods during attack of diarrhoea in childrenMolla, A.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Molla, Ayesha; Rahman, M. Mujibur
1978Absorption of foods during attack of diarrhoea in childrenMolla, A.M.; Wahed, M.A.; Molla, Ayesha; Rahman, M. Mujibur
Aug-1997Absorption of macronutrients and nitrogen balance in children with dysentery fed an amylase treated energy-densy porridge[abstract]Rahman, Mohammad M.
Dec-1997Absorption of macronutrients and nitrogen balance in children with dysentery fed an amylase-treated energy-dense porridgeRahman, M.M.; Mahalanabis, D.; Ali, M.; Mazumder, R.N.; Wahed, M.A.; Fuchs, G.J.
Jul-1996Absorption of macronutrients from a calorie-dense diet in malnourished children during acute shigellosisMazumder, Ramendra N.; Kabir, Iqbal; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Khatun, Makduma; Mahalanabis, Dilip
Apr-1996Absorption of macronutrients from a defined semielimental diet containing medium and long chain triglycerides (MCTand Lct) in children with persistent diarrhopea (PD) [abstract]Bardhan, P.K.; Alam, N.H.; Akramuzzaman, S.; Wahed, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Gyr, K.
Jan-1994Absorption of macronutrients from a high-protein diet in children during convalescence from shigellosisKabir, Iqbal; Malek, Mohammad A.; Mahalanabis, D.; Rahman, M. Mujibur; Khatun, M.; Wahed, M.A.; Majid, N,
Sep-1980Absorption of macronutrients from a rice-vegetable diet before and after treatment of ascariasis in childrenBrown, Kenneth H.; Gilman, Robert H.; Khatun, M. D. Makhduma; Ahmed, Md. Giashuddin
Aug-1986Absorption of macronutrients in children during acute diarrhoea and after recoveryMolla, A.M.; Molla, Ayesha; Khatun, Nascha