Knowledge Repository
ABO blood groups and the risk of diarrhea due to enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli


van Loon, Frederik P.L.
Clemens, John D.
Sack, David A.
Rao, M.R.
Ahmed, Faruque
Chowdhury, Shahriar
Harris, Jeffrey R.
Ali, Md
Chakraborty, J.
Khan, M.R.
Neogy, P.K.
Svennerholm, A.M.
Holmgren, J.
To determine whether blood group O persons are at higher risk for enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) diarrhea, a case-control study was done for 17 months among rural Bangladeshis who were under systematic surveillance for diarrhea. Cases were children less than 3 years old who presented between 1 January 1985 and 1 June 1986 for care of heat labile (LT) or heat stabile toxin-producing ETEC diarrhea. Controls were of similar ages and were randomly selected from three community-based serosurveys between July 1985 and May 1986. No association between blood group O and ETEC diarrhea was found for the 510 cases and 641 controls, nor was an association evident for cases of each toxin phenotype. Further refinement of the case definition to include only patients with LT-ETEC diarrhea, without enteric copathogens, also failed to reveal a substantial association with blood group O. These data suggest that a strong association with ABO groups, analogous to that for cholera, does not exist for ETEC diarrhea
J Infect Dis 1991 Jun;163(6):1243-6