Browse by Author Tzipori, Saul

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Apr-1992DNA probe analysis of diarrhoeagenic Escherichia coli: detection of EAF-positive isolates of traditional enteropathogenic E. coli serotypes among Bangladeshi paediatric diarrhoea patientsStrockbine, Nancy A.; Faruque, Shah M.; Kay, Bradford A.; Haider, Khaleda; Alam, Khorshed; Alam, A.N.; Tzipori, Saul; Wachsmuth, I. Kaye
1993Evaluation of a probe hybridisation serotyping method for group A rotavirusAli, Ayub; Bingnan, Fu; Unicomb, Leanne E.; Rahim, Zeaur; Hossain, Ashfaque; Tzipori, Saul
15-May-1989Evaluation of hyperimmine bovine colostrum in the treatment of (a) rotavirus diarrhea in infants and (b) shigella disease in childrenTzipori, Saul; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Eeckels, R.; Ashraf, Hasan; Mitra, Amal
15-May-1989Evaluation of hyperimmine bovine colostrum in the treatment of (a) rotavirus diarrhoea in infants and (b) shigella disease in childrenTzipori, Saul; Mahalanbis, D.; Eeckels, R.; Ashraf, Hasan; Mitra, Amal
Nov-1991A fatal case associated with shigellosis and Vibrio fluvialis bacteremiaAlbert, M.J.; Hossain, M. Anowat; Alam, K.; Kabir, I.; Neogi, Prodyot K.B.; Tzipori, Saul
1991Hafnia alvei, a probable cause of diarrhea in humansAlbert, M. John; Alam, Khorshed; Islam, Moyenul; Montanaro, Jacqueline; Rahaman, A.S.M. Hamidur; Haider, Khaleda; Hossain, M. Anowar; Kibriya, A.K.M.G.; Tzipori, Saul
6-Jun-1990Hemagglutination (HA) ability and adhesiveness of shigella species (part 2): characterization of the adhesin/hemagglutinin and other outer membrane components including the use of monoclonal antibodiesQadri, Firdausi; Azim, Tasnim; Hossain, Shaikh Abu; Islam, M. Sayedul; Mondol, Gabriel; Islam, Dilara; Tzipori, Saul
1993Immune responses to shigella dysenteriae 1 and shigella flexneri lipoppolysaccharide and polysaccharide antigens in Bangladeshi patients with shigellosis[conference paper]Raquib, Rubana; Tzipori, Saul; Islam, Moyenul; Lindberg, Alf A.
6-Mar-1990Local and systemic immune responses to shigellosis in adult humansRaqib, Rubhana; Azim, Tasnim; Islam, Laila Noor; Qadri, Firdausi; Tzipori, Saul; Lindberg, A.; Bardhan, P.K.
May-1991Localized adherence and attaching-effacing properties of nonenteropathogenic serotypes of Escherichia coliAlbert, M. John; Alam, Khorshed; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Montanaro, Jacqueline; Islam, Moyenul; Faruque, Shah M.; Haider, Khaleda; Bettelheim, Karl; Tzipori, Saul
Sep-1991Outbreak of keratoconjunctivitis due to Salmonella weltevreden in a guinea pig colonyAlbert, M. John; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Faruque, Shah M.; Haider, Khaleda; Qadri, Firdausi; Islam, M. Moyenul; Kibriya, A. K. M. G.; Tzipori, Saul
7-Jun-1990The prevalence of Hepatitis B in Bangladesh - a pilot studyAkbar, M.S.; Azad, A.K.; Haque, A.; Alam, A.H.; Tzipori, Saul
1-Oct-1989Prognostic and risk factors for prolongation of acute diarrhoea: a clinic-based cohort studyMahalanabis, Dilip; Hossain, Md. Shahadat; Faruque, Abu; Tzipori, Saul; Rahman, Hamidur
18-Sep-1989Purification of a cytotoxic enterotoxin from a cholera toxin gene-negative vibrio cholerae 01 strainSaha, Setarunnahar; Sanyal, Suhas C.; Qadri, Firdausi; Islam, M. Moyenul; Tzipori, Saul
30-Oct-2007Reliability of colony characteristics on MacConkey agar to identify escherichia coli for epidemiological investigationAlbert, M. John; Kibriya, A.K.M.G.; Tzipori, Saul
Jul-1991Rotavirus-associated diarrhea in rural Bangladesh: two-year study of incidence and serotype distributionFu, Bingnan; Unicomb, Leanne; Rahim, Zeaur; Banu, Nurun Nahar; Podder, G.; Clemens, John; Loon, F. P. L. Van; Rao, M. Raghava; Malek, A.; Tzipori, Saul
1988Shegella dysenteriae type 1: The association of hemagglutination/Adhesion with lipopolysaccharideQadri, Firdausi; Haq, Shafiqul; Hossain, Shaikh Abu; Ivan, Ciznar; Tzipori, Saul
Aug-1991Simultaneous infection with multiple serotypes of Shigellae in a patientAlbert, M. John; Salam, Abdus; Qadri, Firdausi; Kibriya, Abdul K. M. G.; Tzipori, Saul
Dec-1994Studies on the bacterial flora of fish which are potential pathogens for human. Virulence factors of potential human pathogen isolatedHassan, M.M. Monzur; Rahman, Kazi Masihur; Tzipori, Saul