Browse by Author Hoque, B.A.

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1990Differential impacts of a rural water-sanitation project in Bangladesh[abstract]Hoque, B.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Hasan, K.Z.; Patwary, M.Y.
Mar-1999Effects of environmental factors on child survival in Bangladesh ; a case control stuyHoque, B.A.; Chakraborty, J.; Chowdhury, J.T.A.; Chowdhury, U.K.; Ali, M.; Arifeen, S.El; Sack, R.B.
Feb-1990Iron in tubewell water and linear growth in rural BangladeshBriend, A.; Hoque, B.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.
1998Measurement and mitigation of arsenic in drinking water: action research challenges[book chapter]Hoque, B.A.
Jan-1995Public Health 1995 Jan;109(1):15-24Hoque, B.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Alam, M.J.; Islam, M.S.
Nov-2000Recommendations for water supply in arsenic mitigation: a case study from BangladeshHoque, B.A.; Mahmood, A.A.; Quadiruzzaman, M.; Khan, F.; Ahmed, S.A.; Shafique, S.A.K.A.M.; Rahman, M.; Morshed, G.; Chowdhury, T.; Rahman, M.M.; Khan, F.H.; Shahjahan, M .; Begum, M.; Hoque, M.M.
Dec-1995Research methodology for developing efficient handwashing options: an example from BangladeshHoque, B.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Pelto, B.; Alam, M.J.
1996Sustainability of a water, sanitation and hygiene education project in rural Bangladesh: a 5-year follow-upHoque, B.A.; Juncker, T.; Sack, R.B.; Ali, M.; Aziz, K.M.A.
Jun-1989Tubewell water consumption and its determinants in a rural area of BangladeshHoque, B.A.; Huttly, S.R.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.; Patwary, M.Y.; Feachem, R.G.
Sep-1998Water management practices in rural and urban homes: a case study from Bangladesh on ingestion of polluted waterAhmed, S. A.; Hoque, B.A.; Mahmud, A.
1990Water supply, sanitation and hygiene education ; report of a health impact study in Mirzapur, Bangladesh[book]Aziz, K.M.A.; Hoque, B.A.; Huttly, S.R.A.