Browse by Author Haque, Indrani

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Abortion in rural Bangaldesh: evidence from the MCH-FP extension project[book chapter]Ahmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1996Abortion in rural Bangladesh : evidence from the MCH-FP extension projectAhmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1997Contraceptive switching patterns in rural Bangladesh[book chapter]Haque, Indrani; Kane, Thomas T.; Roy, Nikhil Ch.; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Contraceptive switching patterns in rural BanglaeshHaque, Indrani; Kane, Thomas T.; Roy, Nikhil Ch.; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997The determinants and consequences of pregnancy termination in rural Bangladesh : the wider contextCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Nessa, Fazilatun; Haque, Indrani
1997The determinants and consequences of pregnancy termination in rural Bangladesh: the wider context[book chapter]Caldwell, Bruce K.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Nessa, Fazilatun; Haque, Indrani
Mar-1995The patterns and determinants of contraceptive acceptance and continuation in MatlabHaque, Indrani; Rahman, Mizanur
Mar-1999Pregnancy termination in a rural subdistrict of Bangladesh : a microstudyCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Fazilatun, Nessa; Haque, Indrani
1996Service delivery at the union health and family welfare centres: the clints' perspectiveKhanam, Parveen A.; Wirzba, Helene; Haque, Indrani; Mirza, Tanjina; Juncker, Theresa
2000Socioeconomic and health implications of adult deaths in families of rural BangladeshRoy, Nikil Chandra; Kane, Thomas T.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Haque, Indrani
2000Socioeconomic and Health Implications of Adult Deaths in Families of Rural BangladeshRoy, Nikhil Chandra; Kane, Thomas T.; Khuda, Barkat-e-; Haque, Indrani