Browse by Author Haider, Rukhsana

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-1999Are breastfeeding promotion messages influencing mothers in Bangladesh : Results from an urban survey in Dhaka, BangladeshHaider, Rukhsana; Kabir, Iqbal; Ashworth, Ann
Jun-1993The baby friendly hospital initiative and activities in Bangladesh[review articles]Haider, Rukhsana
5-Sep-1995Clinical efficasy of L-Glutamine in persistent in childrenKabir, A.K.M. Iqbal; Fuchs, George; Khanam, Asma; Haider, Rukhsana; Mazumder, R.N.; Khaled, M.A.
Jun-1996Early complementary feeding is associated with low nutritional status of young infants recovering from diarrhoeaHaider, Rukhsana; Islam, Asma; Kabir, Iqbal; Habte, Demissie
Nov-2000Effect of community-based peer counsellors on exclusive breastfeeding practices in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a randomised controlled trialHaider, Rukhsana; Ashworth, Ann; Kabir, Iqbal; Huttly, Sharon R. A.
Sep-2000Efficacy of fish-oil supplementation to pregnant mother's on birth weight of their babiesKabir, AKM Iqbal; Haider, Rukhsana; Akramuzzaman, Sayed; Fuchs, George J.
4-Feb-2000The efficacy of fish-oil supplementation to pregnant mothers on birth weight of their babiesKabir, A.K.M. Iqbal; Haider, Rukhsana; Akramuzzaman, Sayed; Fuchs, George J.
1996Erythromycin and Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole in the Treatment of Cholera in ChildrenKabir, Iqbal; Khan, Wasif Ali; Haider, Rukhsana; Mitra, Amal K.; Alam, Ahmed Nurul
31-Aug-1988Evaluation of trimethoprim-bulphaxazole in the treatment of infants and children with persistent diarrhoeaAlam, Nurul Haque; Haider, Rukhsana; Bardhan, P.K.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Wanke, Chris; Roy, S.K.
20-Sep-1988Evaluation of trimethoprim-sulphamethaxazole in the treatment of infants and children with persistent diarrhoeaAlam, Nurul Haque; Haider, Rukhsana; Bardhan, P.K.
Oct-1998Increased height gain of children fed a high-protein diet during convalescence from shigellosis: a six-month follow-Up studyKabir, Iqbal; Rahman, Mohammad M.; Haider, Rukhsana; Mazumder, Ramendra N.; Khaled, Mohammed A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1998Initial breast-feeding practices of urban mothers can be influenced by peer counsellingHaider, Rukhsana; Ashworth, Ann; Kabir, Iqbal; Huttly, Sharon R.A.
Jan-2000Neonatal diarrhea in a diarrhea treatment center in Bangladesh: clinical presentation, breastfeeding management and outcomeHaider, Rukhsana; Kabir, Iqbal; Fuchs, George J.; Habte, Demissie
Feb-1998Peer counsellors improve early postpartum breastfeeding practices in an urban community in Dhaka, Bangladesh[abstract]Haider, Rukhsana; Ashworth, Ann; Kabir, Iqbal; Huttly, Sharon R.A.
30-Nov-1997Promotion and support of exclusive breastfeeding and lactational amenorrhoea method by peer counsellors in rural BangladeshHaider, Rukhsana; Kabir, Iqbal; Farruque, Tanzila; Bano, Shahara; Barkat-e-Khuda; Fuchs, George J.; Ashworth, Ann
1992Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged 1-10 weeks in a diarrhoeal disease hospital : how effective can it beHaider, Rukhsana; Islam, Asma; Habte, Demissie
29-Jan-1986Randimized clinical trial to compare efficacy of ampcillin and hirtacin in shigellosisJahan, Khurshid; Alam, A.N.; Ahmed, Luthfor; Haider, Rukhsana; Ahmed, Kamaluddin; Aziz, K.M.S.
Sep-1990Therapy for shigellosis. II. Randomized, double-blind comparison of ciprofloxacin and ampicillinBennish, Michael L; Salam, Mohammed A.; Haider, Rukhsana; Barza, Michael
2002Training peer counselors to promote and support exclusive breastfeeding in BangladeshHaider, Rukhsana; Kabir, Iqbal; Hutty, Sharon R.A.; Ashworth, Ann
1995Working women, maternity entitlements, and breastfeeding: a report from BangladeshHaider, Rukhsana; Begum, Syeeda