Browse by Author Caldwell, Bruce

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1999The Bangladesh fertility decline : an interpretationCaldwell, John C.; Barkat-E-Khuda; Caldwell, Bruce; Pieris, Indrani; Caldwell, Pat
Mar-1999Coitus-dependent family planning methods: observations from BangladeshGray, Alan; Chowdhury, Jamil H.; Caldwell, Bruce; Al-Sabir, Ahmed
1997Demand for family planning services in rural Bangladesh: effects of cash prices and accessLevin, Ann; Caldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997The determinants and consequences of pregnancy termination in rural Bangladesh : the wider contextCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Nessa, Fazilatun; Haque, Indrani
Jul-1999Effect of price and access on contraceptive useLevin, Ann; Caldwell, Bruce; Khuda, Barkat-e Khuda
1997The first generation to control family size : understanding Bangladesh's fertility decline from the perspective of the participantsCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda
Sep-2000The first generation to control family size: a microstudy of the causes of fertility decline in a rural area of BangladeshCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-E-Khuda
1997The first generation to control family size: understanding Bangladesh's fertility decline from the perspective of the participants[book chapter]Caldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda
Mar-1999Pregnancy termination in a rural subdistrict of Bangladesh : a microstudyCaldwell, Bruce; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem; Fazilatun, Nessa; Haque, Indrani
Apr-1999Sexual regimes and sexual networking: the risk of an HIV/AIDS epidemic in BangladeshCaldwell, Bruce; Pieris, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Caldwell, John; Caldwell, Pat
1997Traditional family planning in Bangladesh: summary report[book]Gray, Alan; Chowdhury, Jamil H.; Caldwell, Bruce; Al-Sabir, Ahmed