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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1997Abortion in rural Bangaldesh: evidence from the MCH-FP extension project[book chapter]Ahmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1996Abortion in rural Bangladesh : evidence from the MCH-FP extension projectAhmed, Shameem; Haque, Indrani; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Alam, Shahidul
1997Achieving sustainability of health and family planning services[book chapter]Kane, Thomas T.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Levin, Ann; Hasan, Yousuf; Rahman, Mizanur
Jul-2001An analysis of healthcare expenditure behavior of urban households in Bangladesh[abstract]Routh, Subrata; Howlader, Sushil Ranjan; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Atia; Saha, NIrod Chandra
1997Assessing the policy impact of operations research on the Bangladesh health and family planning programme[book chapter]Barkat-e-Khuda; Phillips, James F.; Kane, Thomas T.; Rahman, Mafizur
1996An assessment of health and planning needs in rural Chittagong, vol. 1Rahman, Mizanur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle
1996An assessment of health and planning needs in rural Chittagong, vol. 2Rahman, Mizanur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Hossain, Mian Bazle
Nov-1997Awareness of sexually transmitted disease among women and service providers in rural BangladeshKhan, Mehrab Ali; Rahman, Mizanur; Khanam, Parveen A.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Ashraf, Ali
1996Awareness of Sexually Transmitted Disease among women and service providers in rural BangladeshKhan, Mehrab Ali; Rahman, Mizanur; Khanum, Parveen A.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas T.; Ashraf, Ali
1997Awareness of sexually transmitted disease among women and service providers in rural Bangladesh[book chapter]Khan, Mehrab Ali; Rahman, Mizanur; Akhter, Parveen; Barkat-e-Khuda; Kane, Thomas; Ashraf, Ali
Mar-1995Awareness of Transmission and Prevention of Sexually-Transmitted Diseases among rural women in BangladeshKhan, Mehrab A.H.; Rahman, Mizanur; Akhter, Parveen; Barkat-e-Khuda
Apr-1997Bangladesh family planning programme, lessons learning and directions for the futureBarkat-e-Khuda; Stoeckel, John; Piet-Pelon, Nancy
1997Bangladesh family planning programme: lessons learned and directions for the future[book chapter]Barkat-e-Khuda; Stoeckel, John; Piet-Pelon, Nancy
1999Can medicine - sellers in pharmacies meet the needs of STD clints : observations from an urban area of BangladeshRahman, Saifur; Ahmed, Mohsin Uddin; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem
1997Charging for FP-MCH commodities and services : midterm evaluationLevin, Ann; Amin, M. Ahsanul; Rahman, M. Anisur; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1999Clinical contraceptives : situation in rural BangladeshSobhan, Farzana; Islam, Ariful; Quaiyum, M.A.; Barkat-e-Khuda; Ahmed, Shameem
Jun-2001Consequences of the shift from documentary distribution to site-based family planning services in BangladeshRouth, S.; Ashraf, Ali; Stoeckel, John; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Contraceptive switching patterns in rural Bangladesh[book chapter]Haque, Indrani; Kane, Thomas T.; Roy, Nikhil Ch.; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Contraceptive switching patterns in rural BanglaeshHaque, Indrani; Kane, Thomas T.; Roy, Nikhil Ch.; Mozumder, Khorshed A.; Barkat-e-Khuda
1997Cost-effectiveness of family planning and maternal and child health alternative service-delivery strategies in rural BangladeshLevin, Ann; Amin, Ahsanul; Saifi, Rumana A.; Rahman, M. Anisur; Barkat-e-Khuda; Mozumder, Khorshed A.