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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-1968Clinical trial of an oral solution for treatment of cholera[abstract]Nalin, David R.; Cash, Richard R.; Islam, Rafiqul; Molla, Majid; Philips, Robert A.
May-1982Cost effectiveness study of hospital and of ambulance services at Matlab treatmet CentreHorton, Susan; Claquin, Pierre
1998Demand for child curative care in two rural Thanas of Bangladesh : effects of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M. Anisur; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
1977Enterotoxigenic escherichia coli(ETEC) disease in Bangladesh Clinical, therapeutic, and laboratory aspects[conference paper]Merson, Michael H.; Sack, R. Bradley; Islam, Sirajul; Saklayen, Golam; Huda, N.; Kibriya, A.K.M. Golam; Abdullah-al-Mahmud; Ahmed, Qazi Shafi; Quder, Anwarul; Yolken, Robert H.; Rahaman, Mujibur; Kapikian, Albert Z.
Jun-1981Intake of nutrient during and after recovery from diarrhoea in childrenMolla, A.M.; Molla, Ayesha; Sarker, S.A.; Rahaman, M.M.
Nov-1968Intravenous therapy of cholera[abstract]Islam, Md. Rafiqul; Mollah, Abdul Majid; Saha, Paul S.K.
7-Nov-1980Limited study: cost effectiveness study of hospital and of ambulance services at Matlab treatment centreClaquin, P.; Horton, S.
1968Preliminary studies on phage for the treatment of cholera[abstract]Monsur, K.A.; Northrup, R.S.; Hirschhorn, Norbert; Rahman, M. Ataur
1996The role of pharmacies in providing family planning and health services to residents of Dhaka, BangladeshMookherji, Sangeeta; Kane, Thomas Trudeau; Arifeen, Shams El; Baqui, Abdullah Hel
1968Some problems of cholera therapy in children [abstract]Rahman, M.M.; Rahman, Waliur
Dec-1965The treatment of cholera, 1965: the method of the Pakistan SEATO Cholera Research LaboratoryTaylor, J.O.; Alam, A.K.M. Jamiul; Ally, K.M.; Akbar, R.; Firoze, A.; Hirschhorn, N.; Hoque, Z.; Imam, Y.; Islam, M.R.; Lindenbaum, J.; Mojid, A.; Rahman, M.; Sachar, D.