Showing results 1 to 20 of 81
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Publication Date | Title | Author(s) |
Apr-1982 | Acquisition of serum antibody to Norwalk Virus and rotavirus and relation to diarrhea in a longitudinal study of young children in rural Bangladesh | Black, Robert E.; Greenberg, Harry B.; Kapikian, Albert Z.; Brown, Kenneth H.; Becker, Stan |
1999 | Analysis of human rotavirus G serotype in Bangladesh by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and polymerase chain reaction | Ahmed, M.U.; Alam, M.M.; Chowdhury, N.S.; Haque, M.M.; Shahid, N.; Kobayashi, N.; Taniguchi, K.; Urasawa, T.; Urasawa, S. |
18-Sep-1978 | Antibodies against rotavirus in sera from children living in the machakos district of Kenya | Netselaar, D.; Sack, David A.; Kapikian, A.Z.; Muller, A.Z. |
Oct-1997 | Anticipating rotavirus vaccines: hospital-based surveillance for rotavirus diarrhea and estimates of disease burden in Bangladesh | Unicomb, Leanne E.; Kilgore, Paul E.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Hamadani, Jena D.; Fuchs, George J.; Albert, M. John; Glass, Roger I. |
1-Oct-1990 | Antigenic characterization of human rotavirus serotypes by ELISA and RNA electropnerotyping in Mymensing | Ahmed, Muzahed Uddin; Shaikh, M.A. Hamid; Shahid, Nigar; Urasawa, Shozo; Islam, A.I.M. |
Dec-1982 | Carbohydrate malabsorption in infants with rotavirus diarrhea | Sack, David A.; Rhoads, Marc; Molla, Ayesha; Molla, A. Majid; Wahed, M. Abdul |
Jul-1979 | Characteristics of non-cultivable subgroup of human adenoviruses | Gary, G. William Jr.; Hierholzer, John C.; Black, Robert E. |
Sep-1991 | Culture adaptation and characterization of group A rotaviruses causing diarrheal illnesses in Bangladesh from 1985 to 1986 | Ward, Richard L.; Clemens, John D.; Sack, David A.; Knowlton, Douglas R.; Mcneal, Monica M.; Huda, Nurul; Ahmed, Faruque; Rao, Malla; Schiff, Gilbert M. |
May-1996 | Demonstration of a lack of synergistic effect of rotavirus with other diarrheal pathogens on severity of diarrhea in children | Unicomb, Leanne E.; Faruque, Shah M.; Malek, M.A.; Faruque, A.S.G.; Albert, M.John |
1985 | Detection of rotavirus in calf faces by elisa : a comparision of results with latex agglutination test [abstract] | Selim, S.A.; Aziz, K.M.S.; Sarker, A.J. |
15-Jan-1983 | Detection of rotavirus in handwashings of attendants of children with diarrhoea | Samadi, Aziz R.; Huq, Mohammad I.; Ahmed, Quazi S. |
18-Dec-1981 | Determination of the occurrence of different fastidious enteric adenoviruses (FEAs) and an evaluation of their pathogenic role in viral diarrhoea in Bangladesh | Wadell, Goran; Glass, Roger I.; Huq, M.I.; Stoll, B.J. |
Apr-1995 | Development and evaluation of co-agglutination test to detect rotavirus antigens in stools of patients with diarrhoea | Islam, M.N.; Hossain, M.A.; Rahman, M.; Yasmin, M.; Alam, A.N.; Hoque, M.; Sattar, H. |
Jun-1981 | Effects of diarrhoea on absorption of macronutrients during acute stage and after recovery | Molla, Ayesha; Molla, Abdul Majid; Sarker, Shafiqul Alam; Khatoon, Makhduma; Rahaman, M. Mujibur |
1985 | Electropherotypes of ds-RNA rotavirus in children with acute gastroenteritis in Bangladesh [abstract] | Haider, K.; Huq, M.I.; Hossain, A.; Shahid, N.S. |
14-Dec-1977 | Epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea | Merson, Michael; Yolken, Robert |
24-Jul-1989 | Establishment and application of virological techniques to study the epidemilogy of rotaviruses and other viral agents causing diarrhoea in rural and urban Bangladesh | Bingnan, Fu; Gomes, J.; Khan, K.; Nahar, N.; Paul, B.; Podder, G.; Shahid, N.; Unicomb, L. |
1993 | Evaluation of a probe hybridisation serotyping method for group A rotavirus | Ali, Ayub; Bingnan, Fu; Unicomb, Leanne E.; Rahim, Zeaur; Hossain, Ashfaque; Tzipori, Saul |
3-May-1988 | An evaluation of coagglutination, reversed passive haemagglutination and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) for diagnosis of rotavirus diarrhoea and their correlation with clinical illness | Islam, Nazrul; Rahman, Mahbubur; Alam, A.N.; Hossain, Anowar; Haque, M.; Ciznar, Ivan |
15-May-1989 | Evaluation of hyperimmine bovine colostrum in the treatment of (a) rotavirus diarrhea in infants and (b) shigella disease in children | Tzipori, Saul; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Eeckels, R.; Ashraf, Hasan; Mitra, Amal |