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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1999The Bangladesh fertility decline : an interpretationCaldwell, John C.; Barkat-E-Khuda; Caldwell, Bruce; Pieris, Indrani; Caldwell, Pat
May-1995Contributions of ICDDR,B to population studies : a few examples of the use of data of the Matlab Demographic Surveillance System[coference paper]Bairagi, Radheshyam
1999Cost-recovery strategies in the health and population programmes of Bangladesh: issues for the application of users feesQuayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Rahman, M Anisur; Jahan, Monowar; Barkat-e-Khuda
Jul-1998Costing of the BINP activities at the community levelKhan, M. Mahmud
Sep-1970Demographic characteristics of a population laboratory in rural East PakistanMosley, W.H.; Chowdhury, A.K.M.A.; Aziz, K.M.A.
20-Nov-1973Enumeration of age in rural BangladeshAziz, K.M.A.
Jan-1984Fertility and mortality trends in rural area of BangladeshChowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin
Jun-1976Food intake of the Chittangong Hill Tribes of BangladeshRahman, M. Mujibur; Chakma, Subrata
Jan-1995Fourth Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON IV) : "health policy challenges: population and cholera"/ M Shamsul Islam Khan, GH Rabbani, MA Rahim, Michael A Strong, Leanne UnicombKhan, M Shamsul Islam; Rabbani, GH; Rahim, MA; Strong, Michael A; Unicomb, Leanne
18-Dec-1985Gastric acid as a determinant of disease susceptility in a population immunized with oral cholera vaccine and as an interactive risk factor for clinical and asymptomatic cholera in an unvaccinated populationVan Loon, F.P.L.; Clemens, J.D.
1996Health and demographic profile of the urban population of Bangladesh: an analysis of selected indicatorsThwin, Aye Aye; Islam, M Ataharul; Baqui, Abdullah Hel; Reinke, William; Black, Robert E
Jul-1984Infant mortality dynamics in a declining fertility population(Pilot study)Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Phillips, James F.
Feb-1984Infant mortality in a decling fertility populationChowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Phillips, James F.
1979Interrelationships among certain socioeconomic variables in a rural population of BangladeshIslam, M. Shafiqul; Becker, Stan
1987Measles case fatality among the under-fives: a multivariate analysis of risk factors in a rural area of BangladeshBhuiya, Abbas; Wojtyniak, Bogdan; D'Souza, Stan; Nahar, Lutfun; Shaikh, Kashem
1981A population laboratory for studying disease processes and mortality--the Demographic Surveillance System, Matlab Comilla, BangladeshD'souza, Stan
1968Population studies in rural East Pakistan[conference paper]Aziz, K.M.A.; Chowdhury, A.K.M. Alauddin; Mosley, Wiley H.
1974A prospective study of birth interval dynamics in rural BangladeshChen, Lincoln C.; Ahmed, Shamsa; Gesche, Melita; Mosley, W. Henry
1990Surve des enfants et des meres au Bangladesh: peut - on faire plusFauveau, V.
Jun-2000Trasition from Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research to Journal of Health , Population and Nutrition[editorial]Sack, David