Browse by Subject Patient acceptance of health care

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Changing health-seeking behaviour in Matlab, Bangladesh: do development interventions matterAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne M.; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas
2001Correlates of perceived malarial episodes and treatment-seeking behavior in a malaria-endemic rural area in BangladeshHossain, S.M. Moazzem; Bhuiya, Abbas; Rasheed, Sabrina
2001The demand for child curative care in two rural thanas of Bangladesh: effect of income and women's employmentLevin, Ann; Rahman, M.A.; Quayyum, Zahidul; Routh, Subrata; Barkat-e-Khuda
Aug-2000Gender, socioeconomic development and health-seeking behaviour in BangladeshAhmed, Syed Masud; Adams, Alayne M.; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas
2003Health needs and health seeking behaviours of street dwellers in Dhaka CityUddin, Md. Jasim
May-2000Living with infertility: experiences among Urban slum populations in BangladeshPapreen, Nahar; Sharma, Anjali; Sabin, Keith; Begum, Lutfa; Ahsan, S. Khaled; Baqui, Abdullah H.
Apr-2001Neonatal morbidity and care-seeking behaviour in rural BangladeshAhmed, Shameen; Sobhan, Farzana; Islam, Ariful; Barkat-e-Khuda
2007Reported care seeking for symptoms of meningo-encephalitis in the catchment area of three medical college hospitalsLuby, Steve
1998Two studies on health care-seeking behaviour and household sanitation practices of BRAC member and non-member households in Matlab, BangladeshAhmed, Syed Masud; Chowdhury, Mushtaque; Bhuiya, Abbas
1998Why include men? Establishing sexual health clinics for men in rural BangladeshHawkes, Sarah