Browse by Subject Family planning programs

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-1999The Bangladesh fertility decline : an interpretationCaldwell, John C.; Barkat-E-Khuda; Caldwell, Bruce; Pieris, Indrani; Caldwell, Pat
Apr-1981Changing profile of IUD users in family planning clinics in rural BangladeshBhatia, Shushum; Faruque, A.S.G.; Chakraborty, J.
Feb-2001Consequences of the shift from documentary distribution of family planning services in Bangladesh[abstract]Routh, S.; Ashraf, A.; Stoeckel, J.E.; Khuda, B.E.
Jun-2001Consequences of the shift from documentary distribution to site-based family planning services in BangladeshRouth, S.; Ashraf, Ali; Stoeckel, John; Barkat-e-Khuda
Aug-1979Contraceptive distribution in Bangladesh villages: the initial impactHuber, Douglas H.; Khan, Atiqur Rahman
Sep-1995Direct and judgmental measures of family planning program inputs.Mauldin, W. Parker; Ross, John A.; Kekovole, John; Barkat-e-Khuda; Barkat, Abul
Feb-1997Does a health program reduce excess female child mortality in a son-preferring society [book chapter]Alam, Nurul; Bairagi, Radheshyam
1982Dynamics of depot medroxy projesterone acetate (DMPA) use effectiveness in the Matlab Family planning Health Services Project[conference paper]Akbar, Jalaluddin; Chakraborty, J.; Jahan, Nasrin; Phillips, James F.; Satterthwaite, A.P.
Mar-1996The effect of operations research on program changes in BangladeshHaaga, John G.; Maru, Rushikesh M.
Sep-1999The effects of family planning workers' contact on fertility preferences: evidence from BangladeshArends-Kuenning, Mary; Hossain, Mian Bazle; Barkat-e-Khuda
Jun-1976Household contraceptive distribution programme in rural Bangladesh- six months experienceKhan, Atiqur R.; Huber, Douglas H.
Nov-2001How do family planning workers' visits affect women's contraceptive behavior in BangladeshArends-Kuenning, M.
Mar-1996The impact of outreach on the continuity of contraceptive use in rural BangladeshHossain, Mian B.; Phillips, James F.
1977Interactions of contraception and breast-feeding in developing countriesMosley, W.H.; Osteria, T.; Huffman, S.L.
1999Interventions to promote local-level planning and coordination of essential health and family planning services: a reviewUddin, Mohammed Jasim; Khatun, Jahanara; Rahman, M Mafizur; Tunon, Cristobal; Sirajuddin, AKM
1999Male involvement in reproductive health services in Bangladesh: a reviewAshraf, Ali; Kane, Thomas T; Shahriar, Ahsan; Barkat-e-Khuda
Apr-1999Management of reproductive tract infections in rural Bangladesh[short report]Ahmed, Mohsin U.; Mirza, Tanjina; Khanum, Parveen A.; Khan, Mehrab A .; Ahmed, Shameem; Khan, Mobarak H.
1997Matlab findings :ICDDR,B has greatly contributed to Bangladesh's excellence in family planningHabte, Demissie
1999Performance improvement through local planning : action researchHasan, M. Yousuf; Maru, Rushikesh M.
10-Jul-1990The role of interpersonal mediated and system-level communication in raising MCH-FP status in MatlabAnwar, M. Tawhidul; Hassan, M. Nazmul; Bhuiya, Abbas; Rahman, M. Golam