Menstrual regulation : a decision tainted with stigma, pain, and suffering ; an anthropological study

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dc.contributor.authorKhan, Rasheda-
dc.contributor.authorKhanom, Afroza-
dc.contributor.authorSultana, Marzia-
dc.contributor.authorAkhter, Rashida-
dc.contributor.authorBilkis, Sayeda-
dc.contributor.authorAli, Nabeel Ashraf-
dc.description.abstractAround 47,000 deaths occur worldwide due to unsafe abortions while 97% of these deaths occur in developing countries. In Bangladesh, approximately 33% of all births are unplanned. 45% of all the unplanned pregnancies end in menstrual regulation procedures and back-­‐alley abortions. It is estimated that 26% of all clients presenting themselves at the menstrual regulation (MR) clinics are refused services for various reasons, consequently pushing these women to resort to illegal and unsafe back-­‐alley clinics. Little or no work has been done to understand the perceived notions of stigma/shame and conservatism, although these and possibly a plethora of other reasons deter women from availing the services from safe sources and in a timely manner. The need to understand the barriers deterring women from exercising their rights, in this case their reproductive rights, is crucial.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesicddr,b scientific report;no. 130-
dc.subjectSocial stigmaen_US
dc.titleMenstrual regulation : a decision tainted with stigma, pain, and suffering ; an anthropological studyen_US
Appears in Collections:Scientific Report

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