Knowledge Repository
Health and demographic surveillance system. Volume Fifty. Registration of health and demographic events 2015
Rahman, Md. Mahfuzur
Haider, Md. Moinuddin
Haq, Muhammad Zahirul
Saha, Sajal Kumar
Ali, Taslim
Alam, Nurul
Nahar, Quamrun
SUMMARY: This report presents the vital registration and maternal and child health statistics gathered from Matlab, Bangladesh, in 2015. The data were collected by the Health and Demographic Surveillance System of icddr,b. The surveillance area is divided into an icddr,b service area and a Government service area which receives usual government health and family planning services. The icddr,b service area is sub-divided into four blocks, where family planning, immunization and limited curative services are provided to under-five children and women of reproductive age. In the surveillance area as a whole, fertility slightly increased in 2015 compared to 2014. The crude birth rate (CBR) was 22.0 per 1,000 populations in 2015 whereas in 2014 the rate was 21.6. The total
fertility rate (TFR) was 2.7 per woman in 2015 and 2.6 in 2014. In the icddr,b service area, CBR was 22.3 and in the Government service area, CBR was 21.6 and TFR was 2.7 in both the services area. The crude death rate was 6.5 per 1,000 population in the icddr,b service area, and in Government service area it was 6.9 in 2015. The infant mortality rate was 22.5 per 1,000 live births in the icddr,b service area, and in the Government service area it was 33.6. The neonatal mortality rate decreased to 18.8 from 19.5 in the icddr,b service area and increased 27.9 from 25.1 in the Government service area respectively in 2015 from 2014. Post-neonatal mortality decreased in the icddr,b service area (from 5.7 to 3.7) and increased in the Government service area (from 4.7 to 5.7). Under five mortality rate has
decreased from 34.0 in 2014 in the icddr,b service area to 31.1 in 2015, and in the Government service area, the increase was from 39.6 in 2014 to 40.5 in 2015. The overall rate of natural increase in population size was 15.3 per 1,000 in 2015. The rate of in-migration decreased to 51.6 per 1,000 populations in 2015 from 53.1 in 2014, and the rate
of out-migration decreased to 54.4 in 2015 from 56.5 in 2014. The overall annual population growth rate was 1.2%. The marriage rate was 14.0 per 1,000 population, and the divorce rate was 1.9 per 1,000 population.
Dhaka: Initiative for Climate Change and Health, HSPDD, icddr,b, 2017. vi, 73 p.