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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-1998A community-based, randomized, controlled trial to assess the effect of zinc supplementation in <5 year old Bangladeshi children during diarrhoea on the clinical course of diarrhoea, subsequent diarrhea and ARI morbidity, and growthBaqui, Abdullah H.; Black, Robert E.; Vaughan, Patrick; Yunus, Md.; Arifeen, Shams EI; Chakraborty, J.; Ginneken, Van; Fuchs, George
7-Jul-1985Evaluation of monthly ARM circumference measurement as a simple method for selection of malnurished children with a high risk of death in the 6-36 months age groupBriend, A.; Chakraborty, J.; Sarder, A.M.; Yunus, M.; Wojtyniak, B.; Rowland, M.G.M.; Koeing, M.
5-Feb-1995The prevalence of reproductive tract infections in Matlab, BangladeshHawkes, Sarah; de Francisco, Andres; Chakraborty, J.; Albert, John; Mabey, David; Hayes, Richard
1999A community based, randomized, controlled trial to assess the efficacy of iron and/ or Zinc or a micronutrient mix supplementation to reduce anemia and morbidity and to improve growth and development in Bangladeshi infantsBaqui, Abdullah H.; Fuchs, Georgr; Zaman, K; Persson, Lars Ake; Arifeen, Shams El; Hamadini, Jena; Wahed, M.A.; Yunus, Md.; Shahid, Nigar; Chakraborty, J.
2000Safety, dose, immunogenicity, nd community transmission risk od a candidate shigella flexneri 2a vaccine (SC 602) among young children in rural BangladeshBaqui, Abdullah H.; Isenbarger, Daniel W.; Arifeen, Shams EL; Zaman, K.; Rahman, Mahbubur; Raquib, Rubhana; Yunus, Md.; Chowdhury, Hafizur Rahman; Chakraborty, J.; Taylor, David N.; Hale, Thomas L.; Venkatesan, Malabi