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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Mar-1986A study of the impact of zinc therapy on intestinal permeability in malnourished Bangladeshi children with acute and persistent diarrhoea (collaborative study between ICDDR,B and Dept. of Human Nutrition, LSHTM, London, UK)Roy, S.K.; Tomkins, A.M.; Behrens, R.H.; Alam, A.N.; Molla, A.M.
22-Jun-1987A case control study of risk factors for dehydrating diarrhoea in childrenIslam, Asma; Clemens, J.D.
1-Jun-1998A community-based, randomized, controlled trial to assess the effect of zinc supplementation in <5 year old Bangladeshi children during diarrhoea on the clinical course of diarrhoea, subsequent diarrhea and ARI morbidity, and growthBaqui, Abdullah H.; Black, Robert E.; Vaughan, Patrick; Yunus, Md.; Arifeen, Shams EI; Chakraborty, J.; Ginneken, Van; Fuchs, George
22-Jan-1994A study of health related behaviour among the primary school childrenHaq, Muhammad Nazmul; Ahmed, Farooque
16-Apr-1998An outpatient study of safety, dose and immunogenicity of an oral live attenuated shigella flexneri 2a vaccine candidate (SC602) in a rural community setting in BangladeshBaqui, Abdullah H.; Isenbarger, Daniel; Arifeen, Shams EI; Raquib, Rubhana; Rahman, Mahbubur; Vaughan, Patric; Taylor, David; Hale, Larry; Pang, Lorrin; Black, Robert E.
18-May-1993Birth weight and infant mortality in the slums of Dhaka City: a prospective studyArifeen, Shams EI; Antelmang, Gretchen; Baqui, Abdullah Hei; Amin, Selina; Sack, R. Bradley
26-Nov-1984Cause of acute lower respiratory tract infection in children of BangladeshButler, Thomas C.; Huq, Farida
1-May-1986Double blind controlled trial of beraerine sulphate in treating childhood diarrhoeaShahrier, Mamun; Rabbani, G.H.; Akbar, M.S.; Amin, Nurul; Khan, Naila
1-Jun-1998Effective means to address moderately malnourshed children within BINP communitiesRoy, S.K.; Fuchs, G.; Chowdhury, Sadia; Mahmood, Jeba
27-May-1980Malabsorption tests in apparently bealthy Bangladeshi childrenMozaffar, Zahid; Molla, Ayesha