Tetracycline in the treatment of cholera

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dc.identifier.citationThird Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratory II, Appendix 1, 1963-
dc.descriptionPaper presented at the Third Meeting of the Directing Council of the Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Laboratoryen
dc.description.abstractTetracycline as an adjunct in the treatment of cholera was evaluated by comparing the clinical course of patients who had received replacement of fluids and electrolytes alone with those who had been given tetracycline as well. The antibiotic eliminated bacteria from the stool, shortened the duration of diarrhoea, and decreased the requirement for intravenous fluids.en
dc.format.extent333174 bytes-
dc.titleTetracycline in the treatment of choleraen
dc.typeTechnical Reporten
Appears in Collections:Cholera research laboratory conference papers

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