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Results 1-10 of 13 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2006Chakaria Health and Demographic Surveillance System - Focusing on the Poor and Vulnerable Socioeconomic, Health and Demographic Profile, 1999-2000Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila
Nov-2016Chakaria Health and Demographic Surveillance System Report – 2015 : focusing on the Sustainable Development GoalsHanifi, S.M.A.; Sultana, Amena; Mia, Mohammad Nahid; Hoque, Shahidul; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila; Iqbal, Mohammad; Bhuiya, Abbas
Sep-2010Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable demographic events, safe motherhood and water and sanitation practices-2009Hanifi, S.M.A.; Urni, Farhana; Iqbal, Mohammad; Hoque, Shahidul; Bhuiya, Abbas
May-2007Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable sdemographic profile, family-planning use, and safe motherhood practices-2005Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila
Nov-2008Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable demographic events and safe motherhood practices-2007Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Urni, Farhana; Iqbal, Mohammad
Oct-2009Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable demographic events and safe motherhood practices-2008Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Urni, Farhana; Iqbal, Mohammad
Dec-2006Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable socioeconomic, health and demographic profile, 1999-2000Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila
Mar-2008Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system: focusing on the poor and vulnerable demographic profile and utilization of healthcare services-2006Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Urni, Farhana
May-2007Chakaria Health and Demographic Surveillance System - Focusing on the Poor and Vulnerable - Demographic Profile, Family-planning Use, and Safe Motherhood Practices-2005Bhuiya, Abbas; Hanifi, S.M.A.; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila
May-2016Chakaria health and demographic surveillance system report – 2014 : focusing on the Sustainable Development GoalsHanifi, S.M.A.; Sultana, Amena; Mia, Mohammad Nahid; Hoque, Shahidul; Mahmood, Shehrin Shaila; Iqbal, Mohammad; Bhuiya, Abbas