Contraceptive distribution in Bangladesh: some lessons learned

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dc.contributor.authorRahman, Makhlisur-
dc.contributor.authorMosley, Wiley Henry-
dc.contributor.authorKhan, Atiqur Rahman-
dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, A.I.-
dc.contributor.authorChakraborty, J.-
dc.identifier.citationStud Fam Plann 1980 Jun;11(6):191-201-
dc.description.abstractIn 1975 the Cholera Research Laboratory began a contraceptive distribution program in 150 rural villages in Matlab than to confirm that an unmet demand exists and to assess to what degree it could be met by making oral contraceptives and condoms available to every family. 3 months after initial distribution, the percentage of women currently contracepting had risen from 1 to 17%. Thereafter the current use rate declined to around 12% by the 2nd year. This drop was due both to declining rates of new acceptors and to shorter rates of continuation. Surveys revealed that availability of a single method choice, side effects, inadequate medical backup, lack of encouragement for continued use, inefficient female fieldworkers, and inadequate supervision were responsible for program deteriorationen
dc.format.extent556722 bytes-
dc.subjectContraceptive usageen
dc.subjectFamily planning programen
dc.subjectContraceptive distributionen
dc.titleContraceptive distribution in Bangladesh: some lessons learneden
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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