Isolation of Escherichia coli bacteriophages from the stool of pediatric diarrhea patients in Bangladesh.

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dc.contributor.authorChibani-Chennoufi, Sandra-
dc.contributor.authorSidoti, Josette-
dc.contributor.authorBruttin, Anne-
dc.contributor.authorDillmann, Marie-Lise-
dc.contributor.authorKutter, Elizabeth-
dc.contributor.authorQadri, Firdausi-
dc.contributor.authorSarker, Shafiqul Alam-
dc.contributor.authorBrüssow, Harald-
dc.identifier.citationJ Bacteriol 2004 Dec;186(24):8287-94en
dc.description.abstractAbstract A 3-week coliphage survey was conducted in stool samples from 140 Bangladeshi children hospitalized with severe diarrhea. On the Escherichia coli indicator strain K803, all but one phage isolate had 170-kb genomes and the morphology of T4 phage. In spot tests, the individual T4-like phages infected up to 27 out of 40 diarrhea-associated E. coli, representing 22 O serotypes and various virulence factors; only five of them were not infected by any of these new phages. A combination of diagnostic PCR based on g32 (DNA binding) and g23 (major capsid protein) and Southern hybridization revealed that half were T-even phages sensu strictu, while the other half were pseudo-T-even or even more distantly related T4-like phages that failed to cross-hybridize with T4 or between each other. Nineteen percent of the acute stool samples yielded T4-like phages, and the prevalence was lower in convalescent stool samples. T4-like phages were also isolated from environmental and sewage water, but with low frequency and low titers. On the enteropathogenic E. coli strain O127:K63, 14% of the patients yielded phage, all of which were members of the phage family Siphoviridae with 50-kb genomes, showing the morphology of Jersey- and beta-4 like phages and narrow lytic patterns on E. coli O serotypes. Three siphovirus types could be differentiated by lack of cross-hybridization. Only a few stool samples were positive on both indicator strains. Phages with closely related restriction patterns and, in the case of T4-like phages, identical g23 gene sequences were isolated from different patients, suggesting epidemiological links between the patients.en
dc.format.extent268831 bytes-
dc.subjectBacteriophage t4en
dc.subjectChild, preschoolen
dc.subjectDNA, viralen
dc.subjectEscherichia colien
dc.subjectFresh wateren
dc.subjectPolymerase chain Reactionen
dc.subjectisolation & purificationen
dc.titleIsolation of Escherichia coli bacteriophages from the stool of pediatric diarrhea patients in Bangladesh.en
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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