Results from the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP) operations research project (ORP). V. 5.-Pt. 12. assessment of alternative strategies to increase the micronutrient content of the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project food supplement / Rezaul Karim, F Jams Levinson, Maruk Ahmed, Quazi Salamatullah, M Aktaruzzaman, Thomas T Schaetzel, Mohammad Shahjahan, Carrie R Hupbell, Gwenola Desplats.-Pt. 13. hear them speak : mothers and caretakers speak on child food and feeding practices / Gazi Nazrul Islam, Sharmeen S Murshid and Raghu Nath Raha.-Pt. 14. Development of improved complenmentary foods and feeling practices in rural Bangladesh / JE Kimmoons, KG Dewey, E. Haque, J Chakraborty foods and feeding practices in rural Bangladesh / JE Kimmons, KG Dewey, E Haque, J Chakraborty, S Osendarp, KH Brown [book]

Full metadata record
DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorOsendarp, S.J.M.-
dc.contributor.authorRoy, S.K.-
dc.contributor.authorFuchs, George J.-
dc.format.extent5377955 bytes-
dc.publisherDhaka: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh; 2000. 21 p.en
dc.subjectChild nutrition disordersen
dc.subjectInfant nutritional physiological phenomenaen
dc.subjectRural populationen
dc.titleResults from the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP) operations research project (ORP). V. 5.-Pt. 12. assessment of alternative strategies to increase the micronutrient content of the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project food supplement / Rezaul Karim, F Jams Levinson, Maruk Ahmed, Quazi Salamatullah, M Aktaruzzaman, Thomas T Schaetzel, Mohammad Shahjahan, Carrie R Hupbell, Gwenola Desplats.-Pt. 13. hear them speak : mothers and caretakers speak on child food and feeding practices / Gazi Nazrul Islam, Sharmeen S Murshid and Raghu Nath Raha.-Pt. 14. Development of improved complenmentary foods and feeling practices in rural Bangladesh / JE Kimmoons, KG Dewey, E. Haque, J Chakraborty foods and feeding practices in rural Bangladesh / JE Kimmons, KG Dewey, E Haque, J Chakraborty, S Osendarp, KH Brown [book]en
Appears in Collections:B. Book chapters, papers in conference proceedings, and monographs

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