Result from the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP) operations research project (ORP). V.1.-Pt. 1. cost of the BINP activities at the community level : an analysis based on community level surveys in five thanas of Bangladesh/ M Mahmud Khan, Shakil Ahmed.-Pt. 2 evaluation of indicators for monitoring of the project activities under the community based nutrition component (CBNC) of Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP)/ AMR Chowdhury, SM Ziauddin Hyder, Sadia A. Chowdhury.-Pt.3 exploring the potential to sustain nutrition promotion activities in the community/ Mohidul Hoque Khan, Harun KM Yusuf.

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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorOsendarp, Saskia J.M.-
dc.contributor.authorRoy, S.K.-
dc.contributor.authorFuchs, George J.-
dc.format.extent4905503 bytes-
dc.publisherDhaka: International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh; 1999en
dc.subjectCommunity health servicesen
dc.titleResult from the Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP) operations research project (ORP). V.1.-Pt. 1. cost of the BINP activities at the community level : an analysis based on community level surveys in five thanas of Bangladesh/ M Mahmud Khan, Shakil Ahmed.-Pt. 2 evaluation of indicators for monitoring of the project activities under the community based nutrition component (CBNC) of Bangladesh integrated nutrition project (BINP)/ AMR Chowdhury, SM Ziauddin Hyder, Sadia A. Chowdhury.-Pt.3 exploring the potential to sustain nutrition promotion activities in the community/ Mohidul Hoque Khan, Harun KM Yusuf.en
Appears in Collections:B. Book chapters, papers in conference proceedings, and monographs

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