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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
5-Nov-2007Description of clinical and laboratory features of severe cholera due to vibrio cholerae O139 (Bengal)Hossain, Shahadat; Biswas, Rabi; Rabbani, G.H.; Salam, M.A.; Mahalanabis, Dilip
13-Nov-2007Efficacy of tetracycline in the treatment of cholera due to vibrio cholerae O139Hossain, Shahadat; Salam, MA; Rabbani, GH; Kabir, Iqbal; Mahalanabis, Dilip
1998Molecular analysis of toxigenic vibrio cholerae strains isolated in Bangladesh during 1961-1996: relationship between continual emergence of new toxigenic clones and epidemics of choleraFaruque, Shah M.; Asadulghani; Alim, A.R.M. Abdul; Siddique, A.K.; Mekalanos, John; Albert, M.John
13-Nov-2007Comparison of the efficacy of a single-dose ciprofloxacin and of a single-dose doxycycline in the treatment of choleraKhan, Wasif Ali; Seas, Carlos; Khan, Eradul Haque; Salam, M.A.; Bennish, Michael L.
13-Nov-2007Survival potential of non-culturable vibrio cholerae 01 by laboratoryIslam, M.S.; Miah, M.A.; Moniruzzaman, M.S.; Begum, S.; Felsenstein, A.; Sack, R.B.; Albert, M.J.
5-Nov-2007Surveillance of vbrio cholerae 0139 patients attending a rural diarrhoea treatment centreYunus, Md.; Zaman, K.; Khan, Eradul Haque; Chowdhury, H.R.; Rahman, A.; Alam, D.S.; Hoque, E.
1997Potential invasive properties of vibrio cholerae O139 bengal in a rabbit model: a preliminary studyKhan, A.M.; Bhattacharya, M.K.; Rabbani, G.H.; Fuchs, G.J.
1995Isolation and identification of vibrio cholerae O139 from faecal samples of diarrhoeal patientsRahman, Mahbubur; Kamal, S.M. Mostafa; Kibriya, A.K.M.G.; Albert, M. John