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Results 1-10 of 25 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

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Publication DateTitleAuthor(s)
1998Molecular analysis of toxigenic vibrio cholerae strains isolated in Bangladesh during 1961-1996: relationship between continual emergence of new toxigenic clones and epidemics of choleraFaruque, Shah M.; Asadulghani; Alim, A.R.M. Abdul; Siddique, A.K.; Mekalanos, John; Albert, M.John
1998Multiresistant salmonella infections: an emerging health problem in BangladeshRahman, Mahbubur; Albert, M.J.
Jan-1999Proceedings of the first stock-taking workshop on adolescent health activities in BangladeshShahriar, Ahsan; Nahar, Quamrun; Sultan, Rafiqus
Jan-1994Third Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON III) of ICDDR,B: "environmental health and policy perspectives"/ KMA Aziz, Josephine Sack, M Shamsul Islam KhanAziz, KMA; Sack, Josephine; Khan, M Shamsul Islam
1998Impact of community-based intervention on diarrhoea through oral rehydration Therapy on Hospitalization of children aged Less than five years in rural BangladeshAlam, D.S.; Yunus, M.; Rahman, A.; Chowdhury, H.R.; Vaughan, J. Patrick
1998Improving ailability of and access to an essential health services package in urban Dhaka, BangladeshAlamgir, S.U.; Tunon, Cristobal; Arifeen, S.E.; Baqui, A.H.; Bhuiyan, M.A.; Uddin, J.
1998Incorporation of checklists in clinic information system supports the delivery of quality essential health servicesAzim, S.M. Tariq; Mookherji, Sangeeta; Baqui, A.H.
1998Reducing drug costs through rationalization of diarrhoea and ARI case management in urban areasQuayyum, Zahidul; Amin, Selina; Baqui, A.H.; Manaf, Samina
1998Evaluation of Rice-based Reduced Osmolarity Oral Rehydration Solution in Children with Severe Persistent DiarrhoeaSarkar, S.A.; Alam, N.H.; Mahalanabis, Dilip; Fuchs, G.J.
1998Clonal groups of enteropathogenic escherichia coli isolated in case-control studies on diarrhoea in BangladeshNahar, S.; Byun, R.; Katouli, M.; Kuhn, I.; Ansaruzzaman, M.; Albert, M. John; Mollby, R.