Absorption of macronutrients from a high-protein diet in children during convalescence from shigellosis

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dc.contributor.authorKabir, Iqbal-
dc.contributor.authorMalek, Mohammad A.-
dc.contributor.authorMahalanabis, D.-
dc.contributor.authorRahman, M. Mujibur-
dc.contributor.authorKhatun, M.-
dc.contributor.authorWahed, M.A.-
dc.contributor.authorMajid, N,-
dc.identifier.citationJ Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1994 Jan;18(1):63-7en
dc.description.abstractAbsorption of macronutrients and energy intake were determined in 29 children aged 24-59 months, during convalescence from acute shigellosis. A 72 h metabolic balance study was performed to determine the absorption of carbohydrate, fat, and protein. Eighteen children received a high-protein (5 g/kg/day) diet, and 11 children received a standard-protein (2.5 g/kg/day) diet. The mean +/- SD energy intake was 612 +/- 38 kJ/kg/day for children receiving the high-protein diet, compared with 633 +/- 50 kJ/kg/day for the standard-protein group. The coefficient of carbohydrate absorption was 89 and 92% for the high-protein and standard-protein diets, respectively (p = 0.059). The coefficient of protein absorption was 80 and 71% for the high-protein and standard-protein groups, respectively, and was significantly higher in the high-protein group (p < 0.01). Absorption of fat was similar in both groups. The results of the study show better absorption of protein from a high-protein diet during convalescence, which may have a positive impact on catch-up growth of children suffering from shigellosisen
dc.format.extent286548 bytes-
dc.subjectChild, Preschoolen
dc.subjectDietary Carbohydratesen
dc.subjectDietary Fatsen
dc.subjectDietary Proteinsen
dc.subjectDysentery, Bacillaryen
dc.subjectEnergy Intakeen
dc.subjectIntestinal Absorptionen
dc.titleAbsorption of macronutrients from a high-protein diet in children during convalescence from shigellosisen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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