Effects of family sex composition on fertility preference and behaviour in rural Bangladesh

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dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, A.I.-
dc.contributor.authorBairagi, Radheshyam-
dc.contributor.authorKoenig, Michael A.-
dc.identifier.citationJ Biosoc Sci 1993 Oct;25(4):455-64en
dc.description.abstractThe effects of family sex composition on fertility preferences and behaviour during the period 1977-88 are examined using longitudinal data from Matlab, Bangladesh. The sex composition of living children was found to be systematically related to fertility preferences and behaviour, with a higher number of sons at each family size associated with a higher percentage of women wanting no more children, a higher percentage currently using contraception, and lower subsequent fertility. However, the highest percentage wanting no more children, using contraception and having lowest subsequent fertility was found among women who already had one daughter as well as at least one son. The effects of sex preference on fertility preferences and behaviour were measured using an index developed by Arnold (1985). The results suggest that while sex preference remained largely unchanged during the study period, its effect on contraceptive use declined and its impact on actual fertility remained modest and fairly stableen
dc.format.extent392999 bytes-
dc.subjectFamily Characteristicsen
dc.subjectFamily Planning Servicesen
dc.subjectHealth Knowledge, Attitudes, Practiceen
dc.subjectInfant, Newbornen
dc.subjectLongitudinal Studiesen
dc.subjectProspective Studiesen
dc.subjectRural Populationen
dc.subjectDeveloping Countriesen
dc.titleEffects of family sex composition on fertility preference and behaviour in rural Bangladeshen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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