Disease profile in respect of health services of Upazila health complex

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dc.contributor.authorSalahuddin, A.K.M.-
dc.contributor.authorRahman, Shafiqur-
dc.contributor.authorNessa, Fazilatun-
dc.contributor.authorBegum, Rowshan Ara-
dc.contributor.authorBhuyan, Nizamul Hoque-
dc.identifier.citationBangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 1992 Apr;18(1):36-46en
dc.description.abstractThis study was carried out to identify the disease profile in relation to medical services at upazila health complex. Thirty different types of diseases were identified. Diarrhoeal diseases were found to be highest (53%), the second highest was intestinal worms (44%). About ninety seven percent patient attended the OPD and only 2% were attended in the emergency Department. On average 172 patients were admitted per month and the highest of admission was found in the months of September and October. The average length of stay in the hospital was 11.6 days. Among the patients admitted 55% were male, and 45 were female. 5% pregnant mothers attended in U.H.C. for antenatal checkup and 2% mother were admitted into the hospital after delivery. Metronidazole was the drug of highest consumption followed by B-Complex and Penicillinen
dc.format.extent282359 bytes-
dc.subjectDrug Utilizationen
dc.subjectHospitals, Districten
dc.titleDisease profile in respect of health services of Upazila health complexen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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