Can mothers safely prepare labon-gur salt-sugar solution after demonstration in a diarrhoeal hospital

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dc.contributor.authorIslam, M. Aminul-
dc.contributor.authorKofoed, Poul-Erik-
dc.contributor.authorBegum, Shahana-
dc.identifier.citationTrop Geogr Med 1992 Jan;44(1-2):81-5en
dc.description.abstractHome-based salt-sugar solution (SSS) prepared with labon (locally produced sea salt) and gur (unrefined brown sugar) has been recommended as a cheap, locally available and a simple tool to prevent and treat diarrhoeal dehydration. Preparation of labon-gur SSS is demonstrated to the patients and the attendants at ICDDR, Bangladesh. To evaluate performances, 150 mothers were asked to measure labon and gur by finger pinch and first method and 100 mothers measured half a seer of water to prepare labon-gur SSS, shortly after the demonstration sessions. 4.0% of the samples exceeded the upper safety limit while 1.3% exceeded the upper danger limit for salt and 98.7% samples of gur were within safe and effective range. Mothers' performances were not different with regard to their educational status and prior practice at home. 80% knew about the solution before coming to the hospital and 45% had utilized this knowledge. Our study suggests that demonstration of home-based SSS in a diarrhoeal hospital may positively affect health education and that health personnel should actively participate in increasing health awarenessen
dc.format.extent182363 bytes-
dc.subjectDiarrhea, Infantileen
dc.subjectEducational Measurementen
dc.subjectEducational Statusen
dc.subjectFeasibility Studiesen
dc.subjectHealth Educationen
dc.subjectHospitals, Specialen
dc.subjectMass Mediaen
dc.subjectRehydration Solutionsen
dc.subjectRehydration Solutions/en
dc.subjectWeights and Measuresen
dc.titleCan mothers safely prepare labon-gur salt-sugar solution after demonstration in a diarrhoeal hospitalen
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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