Cost-effectiveness analysis of family planning programs in rural Bangladesh: evidence from Matlab

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dc.contributor.authorSimmons, George B.-
dc.contributor.authorBalk, Deborah-
dc.contributor.authorFaiz, Khodezatul K.-
dc.identifier.citationStud Fam Plann 1991 Mar-Apr;22(2):83-101en
dc.description.abstractThe Family Planning Health Services Project in Matlab is often seen as more expensive than similar activities carried out by the government of Bangladesh. At the same time, it as been observed that the project is much more effective. The alleged high cost of the project is said to make it difficult to replicate throughout the nation. Previously, the true costs of the project had not been documented. This study systemically examines the cost of the project and assesses its cost-effectiveness. An experimental design framework is used as a basis for understanding the cost-effectiveness of the project, although a sensitivity analysis lends further support to the relative efficiency of the approach undertaken in Matlab. Although in the aggregate, the Matlab Project is more expensive than the government's family planning program, it is also more effective, generating enough output to offset the extra costs of the intensified delivery system.en
dc.format.extent1124434 bytes-
dc.subjectCost-benefit analysis-methodsen
dc.subjectFamily planning services-economics-trendsen
dc.subjectRural populationen
dc.titleCost-effectiveness analysis of family planning programs in rural Bangladesh: evidence from Matlaben
Appears in Collections:A. Original papers

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