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Large epidemic of cholera-like disease in Bangladesh caused by Vibrio cholerae O139 synonym Bengal. Cholera Working Group, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Diseases Research, Bangladesh
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Albert, MJ.
Ansaruzzaman, M.
Bardhan, PK.
Faruque, ASG.
Faruque, SM.
Islam, MS.
Mahalanabis, D.
Sack, RB.
Salam, MA.
Siddique, AK.
Yunus, M.
Zaman, K.
Epidemics of cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 occur regularly in Bangladesh,
but until lately V cholerae non-O1 has been associated only with sporadic cases
of diarrhoeal disease in many parts of the world, including Bangladesh. We
describe a large epidemic of cholera-like disease in Bangladesh that is due to a
V cholerae non-O1. The epidemic began in December, 1992, in southern Bangladesh
and spread throughout the country. By the end of March 107,297 cases of diarrhoea
and 1473 deaths had been reported. The disease is indistinguishable from cholera
in clinical features and response to treatment, but most of the cases are in
adults, which suggests that the population has no previous immunological
experience of the organism. At two centres 375 (40%) of 938 and 236 (48%) of 492
rectal swabs were positive for V cholerae non-O1, as were 5 of 54 surface water
samples. 55 isolates of V cholerae non-O1 were studied in detail. They resembled
El Tor vibrios in being resistant to polymyxin B and positive for agglutination
of chicken erythrocytes. The strain did not belong to any of the 138 known V
cholerae serogroups; so a new serogroup O139, with the suggested name Bengal, is
proposed. All the isolates studied produced large amounts of an enterotoxin
apparently identical to cholera toxin. This strain seems to have pandemic
potential. It is important that other countries in southeast Asia are aware of
the strain's potential to cause severe morbidity and mortality.
Lancet 1993 Aug 14;342(8868):387-90