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Prognostic indicators and risk factors for increased duration of acute diarrhoea and for persistent diarrhoea in children


Mahalanabis, Dilip
Alam, Ahmed Nurul
Rahman, Nurur
Hasnat, Abul
To identify the prognostic indicators and risk factors for increased duration of
acute diarrhoea and for occurrence of persistent diarrhoea (i.e. acute episodes
lasting longer than 14 days) in children under three years, a systematic sample
(3690) of patients attending a large treatment centre in Bangladesh was analysed
using multiple regression, logistic regression and stratified (Mantel-Haenszel)
analysis. Significant prognostic indicators or risk factors for increase in
duration of acute diarrhoea, after adjusting for confounders, include bloody or
mucoid diarrhoea, concomitant signs of chest infection, presence of vitamin A
deficiency signs, decreased weight for age, routine use of contaminated surface
water, lack of breastfeeding and increasing age; presence of rotavirus or
enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli or Vibrio cholerae 01 in stool had negative
association. In logistic regression and stratified analysis these factors, except
for lack of breastfeeding and age, were also found to be risk factors or
prognostic indicators of persistent diarrhoea. Policy implications of these
findings for programmes to reduce morbidity and mortality from persistent
diarrhoea include development of effective vaccines against dysentery-causing
Shigella, programmes to prevent vitamin A deficiency, protein energy malnutrition
and acute respiratory infections in children, and long-term programmes to provide
clean water for all day-to-day needs.
Int J Epidemiol 1991 Dec;20(4):1064-72