Knowledge Repository
Marriage and mortality: a life table analysis
This paper examines the effects of age at marriage and differential mortality of males and females on the incidence of widowhood between the sexes. Abridged life tables constructed from marital status and death registration data of a rural area of Bangladesh for the period 1974-79 were used. The difference in life expectancy between males and females varies from 0.4 to 2.2 years at the ages 0 to 65 years and over. The mortality differentials show that the probabilities of a male or a female surviving the other spouse would be approximately the same, were there no other influence. But the incidence of widows is about ten times that of widowers. Other relevant factors, under a given regime of mortality, are age at marriage and age difference between husband and wife
J Biosoc Sci 1990 Jan;22(1):53-61