Oral cholera vaccines containing B-subunit-killed whole cells and killed whole cells only. II. Field evaluation of cross-protection against other members of the Vibrionaceae family

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dc.contributor.authorClemens, John D-
dc.contributor.authorHarris, Jeffery R.-
dc.contributor.authorKay, Bradford A.-
dc.contributor.authorChakraborty, J.-
dc.contributor.authorSack, David A.-
dc.contributor.authorAnsaruzzaman, M.-
dc.contributor.authorRahman, R.-
dc.contributor.authorStanton, Bonita F.-
dc.contributor.authorKhan, M.U,-
dc.contributor.authorKhan, M.R.-
dc.contributor.authorYunus, Md.-
dc.contributor.authorRao, M.R.-
dc.contributor.authorCiznar, Ivan-
dc.contributor.authorSvennerholm, Ann-Mari-
dc.contributor.authorHolmgren, Jan-
dc.identifier.citationVaccine 1989 Apr;7(2):117-20en
dc.description.abstractBecause of demonstrable cross-reactivity of cellular antigens contained in B subunit-killed whole-cell (BS-WC) and killed whole-cell-only (WC) oral cholera vaccines with antigens of various non-cholera species of the family Vibrionaceae (NCV), the protection conferred by the vaccines against diarrhoea associated with NCV was evaluated during a randomized, double-blind field trial in Bangladesh. Children aged 2-15 years and women aged greater than 15 years (62,285 in number) received three doses of BS-WC vaccine, WC-only vaccine, or a placebo consisting of Escherichia coli K12 strain (K12). During 1 year of follow-up, the incidence of treated episodes of diarrhoea associated with non-cholera vibrios known to be enteric pathogens (non-01 Vibrio cholerae, V. fluvialis, V. parahaemolyticus, V. mimicus) in the placebo group was low (1.9 cases per 10,000 recipients) and identical to that for the two vaccine groups combined. The incidence (per 10,000 recipients) of treated diarrhoeal episodes associated with Aeromonas species was considerably higher, but nearly identical in the three groups (26.1 cases for BS-WC, 26.0 cases for WC; 25.9 cases for K12). Pleisiomonas shigelloides was not isolated from any participant. It is concluded that NCV other than Aeromonas were rarely isolated from diarrhoeal patients in our study population and that killed oral vaccines which were effective against cholera exhibited no detectable cross-protection against diarrhoea associated with NCV organismsen
dc.format.extent308082 bytes-
dc.subjectCholera Vaccinesen
dc.subjectAdministration, Oralen
dc.subjectBacterial Infectionsen
dc.subjectClinical Trials as Topicen
dc.subjectDiarrheal diseasesen
dc.subjectStatistics as Topicen
dc.subjectVaccines, Inactivateden
dc.subjectVibrionaceae-isolation & purificationen
dc.titleOral cholera vaccines containing B-subunit-killed whole cells and killed whole cells only. II. Field evaluation of cross-protection against other members of the Vibrionaceae familyen
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