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Perceptions and involvement of members of zonal health and family planning coordination committees of Dhaka city corporation


Uddin, J.
Bhuiyan, M.A.
Alamgir, S.U.
Tunfjn, Cristobal
Objective: Assess the perception and involvement of members of the zonal health and family planning coordination committees formed by the Dhaka City Corporation.
Methodology: The Dhaka City Corporation formed zonal health and family planning coordination committees in all 10 zones of the city to link all the local service providers and to establish a mechanism for local-level planning to ensure the effective use of the available local resources through minimizing gaps and overlaps in the health and family planning service delivery system. Of the 181 registered members of the zonal committees, 126 were selected for interview using quota sampling methodology. Data were collected through individual interviews using a structured questionnaire with both open- and close-ended questions. Data were also collected by field observations on the activities of the committees. Secondary data from the minutes of meetings, work plans, and registers were also analyzed. Data were processed and analyzed using the EPI Info statistical software package.
Results: Over 70% of the respondents could mention the most important purpose of formation of the zonal committees, i.e. the zonal committee is intended to strengthen promotional activities, establish coordination among the government and non-govemmental organizations, and establish a regular exchange of service statistics and information on health services at the zone level. The main health problems perceived by the respondents were lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities, unplanned growth of slums, improper garbage cleaning and drainage system, mosquitoes, and environmental pollution. About 67% of the scheduled zonal committee meetings were held, and on an average, 62% of the members attended the meetings. It revealed from the study that the committees contributed in coordinating implementation of national measles and neonatal tetanus campaign and National Immunization Day at the local level. Important activities were initiated and were partially implemented. These include reorganization of service-delivery points to bring services close to the slum dwellers and minimizing gaps and overlaps, installation of incinerators for clinical waste disposal, and formation of the ward committees.
Conclusion: The zonal committee was found to be an effective forum for mobilizing support from service providers and community leaders in planning and coordinating delivery of urban health services.
J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998 Jun;16(2):136-37