Knowledge Repository
Desire for children and subsequent abortion in Matlab, Bangladesh


Razzaque, Abdur
Ahmed, Kapil
Alam, Nurul
van Ginneken, Jeroen
Objective: Investigate the desire for children and subsequent abortion in the MCH-FP and comparison areas of Matlab, Bangladesh.
Methodology: Data of the in-depth survey 1984, KAP survey 1990, and the Demographic Surveillance System (1984-1994) were used.
Results: During 1984-1994, the incidence of abortion increased substantially in both comparison and intervention areas, and such increase was due to those who wanted no more children. After controlling for all the variables in the logistic regression, the probability of subsequent abortion was higher among those who wanted no more children than those who wanted more in both MCH-FP (5.2 times) and comparison (8.9 times) areas. The incidence of abortion was lower in the MCH-FP area than that in the comparison area and was lower among the illiterates, users of contraception, and the Muslims in both the areas compared to the educated, non-users of contraception, and the Hindus.
Conclusion: The findings of the study suggest that there is a need to improve the quality of family planning services, particularly for those who want no more children to reduce abortion and abortion-related deaths.
J Diarrhoeal Dis Res 1998 Jun;19(2):131