Prevalence of chronic energy deficiency in the elderly population of Matlab

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dc.contributor.authorRasheed, Sabrina-
dc.contributor.authorKhatun, Masuma-
dc.contributor.authorHyder, S.M. Ziauddin-
dc.contributor.authorChoudhury, A.M.R.-
dc.contributor.authorBhuiya, Abbas-
dc.description.abstractObjective: Study the prevalence of chronic energy deficiency (CED) in the elderly population of Matlab and its associaiion with different socioeconoraic status indicators. Methodology: Socioeconomic and anthropometric measurements of 626 individuals aged 55 years and above, residing in 14 villages of Matlab thana of Chandpur district, were obtained during April-August 1995 using a pre-coded questionnaire. Body mass index was used as an indicator of CED. Bivariate and muitivariate analyses were done, and variabl s found to be significant in the preliminary bivariate analysis were used as the independent variables in the logistic regression model. Results: The results of the study showed that about 80% of the elderly people suffered from different degrees of CED, and 35% from severe CED. In both bivariate and muitivariate analyses, severe CED was highly prevalent (p<0.01) among the elderly people in the BRAC-eligible poor households. According to the logistic regression, severe CED was most prevalent among the unemployed and disabled (56%) and least prevalent among those involved in farming (20%). The elderly people, residing in families with more than five members, seemed to suffer most from severe CED (p<0.01). Conclusion: Severe CED is highly prevalent in the rural elderly population, and was associated with socioeconomic status, employment status, and family size. Therefore, BRAC may be able to provide support services for the elderly people through the existing credit and health programmesen
dc.format.extent44327 bytes-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJ Diarrhoeal Dis Resen
dc.relation.ispartofseries1998 Jun;16(2):118en
dc.subjectChronic Diseaseen
dc.subjectHealth careen
dc.subjectSocioeconomic conditionen
dc.subjectDeficiency Diseasesen
dc.titlePrevalence of chronic energy deficiency in the elderly population of Matlaben
Appears in Collections:Population sciences conference papers

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